Issues with NI Massive X losing settings

Does anyone else have issues with NI Massive X losing it’s settings every time you reload a gig file?

I have seen anecdotal evidence that this is not restricted to Gig Performer having seen some Ableton users asking the same question.

I’d love to be using it, but it is simply not stable enough and I struggle to believe NI would let something as basic as this slip through the net so I’m beginning to wonder if I’m not using it correctly.

I doubt you are doing anything “wrong”. Your plug in should be restored in the state it was in when the Gig files was saved. (the “saved state”).

I had run into this issue a coupe of occasions for Syntronik II.

For what its worth, here are some good threads where the issue is discussed:


As i have massiv x, can you upload a small gig file showing the issue?

Whilst creating a small gigfile to test this I discovered what the issue was. The specific Massive-X I was using (Bright Superstrings) completely opens and closes a filter using the modwheel and my rackspace must have saved the state of the modwheel or the current hardware modwheel position was closing the filter and making no sound, thus causing me to think Massive X was losing the current patch settings. Filtering the modwheel on the Midi In block solves the issue.

OK, so you changed a parameter in Massive X and when you save the Gig File, this is stored as the actual state.
That is desired behavior.