I haven’t upgraded to 4 yet and I know the devs included the tail length settings now. But it seems you’re still having this issue. Here’s a similar thread I started a few months ago about this exact thing:
Just add a bit of code on each rackspace, making sure the input is deactivated when switching to another rackspace. This way you’ll get the nice delay trail, but without doubling the inputs.
Create a Gain Balance Control as the first block in your wire setup. Give it a GPScript handle “GainBalance” and enable Use in GPScript. Open the script editor (ctrl+shift+2) and paste the following code and hit Compile:
GainBalance : PluginBlock
On Activate
SetParameter(GainBalance, 4, 0)
On Deactivate
SetParameter(GainBalance, 4, 1)
Do this for all your guitar rackspaces. Never worry about volume doubling again!