Is it possible to record everything into just one file?

OK, I know how to record certain selected channels. So I end up with a couple of wave files. This is very nice, but is it possible to record just all the seclected channels into one wave file. Like the bouncing function in Logic etc.

I suppose you could route everything into a single output channel but you’d have to be very careful not to overload and clip the audio.

The whole point of the recording mechanism into separate channels was so that you COULD leverage DAWs like leverage to mix everything

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Yes, absolutely. Use Melda Production’s free Recorder plugin. You can place it anywhere you like - record any channel, combination of channels, or the output from GP as you want. Only limited by your imagination and routing skills!

Edit: I forgot to add that you can automate it with MIDI too. Doesn’t get much better for free :+1::+1:

Free effects | MeldaProduction



@CruiseCycle The MRecorder suggestion is excellent. MeldaProduction’s MFreeFXBundle of 37 plugins is one of the best freebies available. After just a short time using some of the included plugins, I upgraded (49 €) to the Pro version. I still consider that to be one of the best plugin investments I’ve ever made.

MeldaProduction’s MFreeFXBundle

From their website:

The software is totally free of charge, so please download and enjoy! You should consider upgrading to a professional version though.

If you do so, you’ll be able to:

  • Change the size and style of the plugins.
  • Access the sonogram feature in the analyzers and equalizers.
  • Manipulate (save, load, organise) your own presets.
  • Access the modulators.
  • Use upsampling to minimize aliasing and to improve sound quality (most plugins).
  • Get rid of the big red reminder box with our clickable logo at the bottom of every GUI.
  • Make us happy and help us develop more free software ;-).

John - totally agree with you. I’m a big fan of Melda and own the MComplete Bundle. And as with all Melda purchases, you only buy it once, for life - includes any upgrades, for free, for life. They are immensely powerful and allow you to edit the plugin as well. Love ‘em.

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That’s a LOT of plugins. I have purchased licenses for some individual plugins, in addition to the Pro version of the free bundle: MAutoAlign, MAutopanMB, MBassador, MDrummer, MDynamicEQ, MMultiAnalyzer, MSpectralDelay, MSuperLooper, MTurboDelay and MVocoder. MDrummer isn’t cheap, but all of the drum libraries are included!

I don’t understand what you mean with leverage. Maybe because I am not a native speaker. I guess I will have to try with the suggested workarounds. I would just kindly suggest as a feature request for a future update to make this available in Gig Performer without any workarounds.

This is not completely working for me. I have an apollo x8. When I use the record function of Gig Performer I can choose Analog 7/8 which is my guitar signal and Virtual 3/4 wich is my playback which comes from Gig Performer. When I use the Recorder like in the screenshot above, I can only record the Gig Performer Playback, but not my guitar signal. I don’t use Gig Performer to process in any way my Guitar Signal. I use a Quad Cortex which goes into the apollo x8. I am not against plugins, but in this aspect I am kind of old school. :wink:

It’s not clear what you are attempting to do.

You can put the Melda plugin anywhere you like, with as many instances you like, and route what you want any specific instance to do. In the example below, the raw input signal from one of my mikes (could be your guitar?) is being recorded; the output from GP is being recorded, both are being recorded to the same file, then I could combine that with my Triton Rack and record it. I could put more outputs on my audio out block and send the whole thing somewhere else, or any part of it. I could put Recorder blocks in for each input for mixing later. I could put Recorder blocks in any part of any Rackspace. Or route any part in any Rackspace into the Global Rackspace and record that, or combine and record with another signal, or input, or… As far as I can tell, you could accomplish just about anything you wanted to record given the constraints of whatever it’s possible to do with any plugin hosted in GP. This is not a workaround - it’s a utility plugin with many powerful possibilities - and it’s free.

Unless there is something that I am missing, why would Deskew add a feature like this when it’s already available for free? If I am misunderstanding, please explain or diagram. I am sure someone can help you with that.

On the two screenshots you see, what I need. I need a recording of Input Analog 7/8 an Virtual 3/4 of my Audiointerface (apollo8). This is very easy to do with Gig Performer, but you get separate files for Analog7, Analog 8, Virtual 3 and Virtual 4.
I am not going conciously with my Guitar into Gig Performer, but it seems that Gig Performer is no problem. Gig Performer is giving me the recording files of my guitar signal. I don’t know how to get the melda plugin to guitar my guitar signal. It only records virtual 3+4

If you can get the inputs into the Wiring view of GP, you can record, in your case both A7+8 and V3+4, into a single file. I kind of had the same problem and question which I posted here in the community over a year ago, and the reason I went looking for this type of plugin.

Is it even possible to add such feature to GP => in a clever way ? i don´t think so.

I see it so:
You can create at any time a own mix, …“just mix whatever audio signals you want to have mixed for your recording purposes, on an own mixer”, send the output of that mixer to an output ( audio interface) , set that output to: REC: on.

I would not consider this a “workaround”.
i´d look at that “own submix” as a “neccessity that has to happen”.
The mixer will force you to set the levels per audio signal. But thats a good thing.
So, you will end up with something balanced sounding.
How should GP know with which levels the signals should be mixed ?
And this one is the important one to understand vs. your feature request: How should GP know, from where to tap the signals, to put them on that -from you requested- “all in one” file ?

To create that own “record all into one file” mix, is our work.
There is no clever code to circumvent around that, imho.
proof me wrong anybody.
Yes, agreed. It is work to do so…

What @dhj meant with “leverage”, is “levelling out all volumes of all tracks”.
So, that the levels would not sum up into distortion, and would be in balance, one signal vs. the other.

personally, i´d prefer at any time to use GPs own recording functionality, rather than taking M-Recoder, in such case.
And i would say, that even if you take the M-recorder, has such “own submix” to be created.

This own submix won´t eat up much CPU.
As far as i understand it, to record within GP, do you have to have free outputs on your Audio interface. GP will record whats routed to these outputs.
If you don´t have any spare Audio outs, “then” would the M-Recorder come in very handy :wink:

So I can put that plugin let’s say in 5 different places like In and Outs and everything is recorded into one single file? I was too shy to do that I guess… :wink:
I know where to put the plugin for Virtual 3/4, but I don’t know where to put it for Analog 7/8.

If by that plugin you mean the Melda Recorder, you certainly will not be able to use multiple instances and have everything recorded into a single file.

Why can’t you just use the separate files created by GP and then just bounce them with a DAW afterwards?

I was just asking, but maybe it was a kind of a naive question.

I don’t have a deep understanding what is going on under the hood of GP. I just see that the wave files I get are perfectly mixed. Everything fine. So the only step which is missing from my limited or should I say childish point of view is to have everything bounced into one file. It is just time consuming to go to Logic to do that, but, if for reasons I still don’t understand completely it is not possible for GP to do that, then you got to find other ways like using Audio Hijack or a Tool like that.

CruiseCycle said you can use multiple instances of the Melda Plugin and record everything into one file.

I don’t understand the problem. As I mentioned in my first reply, you could just feed multiple plugins (say) into a mixer plugin so you can adjust the balance and then record the output of that directly using GP’s output recorder. Here’s a picture.