Hey Guys, I’m new here…and very new to Gig Performer, so while I can see it’s VERY powerful, right now I’m totally lost trying to scroll my lyrics with my backing tracks using the Audio Streamer. I’m wondering if someone could point me to an article that explains it step by step, in layman’s terms? Or better yet where to upload my test file, and show me what steps I’m missing. I have the lyric loaded in the project and my mp3 loaded in the streamer, with all the markers for each part of the song. But nothing scrolls. I must be missing one crucial step, but I can’t figure out what that is.
I assume it’s supposed to start when I hit the play button, but no lyrics scroll.
Hi Rob and welcome to the community!
Please check out this article:
Hi Npudar, thank you for the warm welcome. I have read that article and watched every YouTube video made for Gig Performer, still I don’t get it. I’m missing a crucial step. I’m going to try and post a link to my .gig file and hopefully someone will quickly see what step I’m missing. And best case scenario make a Camtasia video, using my .gig, and correcting it where it’s flawed.
Here is my .gig file rarred up. www.robjames.net/How.rar
Wow, is there really no way to edit your post and correct it, here? For some reason my last link didn’t work, so Mods, please delete that post, because I don’t see a way to delete your own post either…weird. Anyways, for anyone who wants to help me, I’m going to try another link. www.robjames.net/How.rar
Hmmm…that didn’t work either. Last attempt, I will try to upload it.
Geez, New Users may not Upload??
The forum software is restrictive to new users.
Are you currently on a trial version?
That is correct — we’re using the rather awesome Discourse forum system and their process does a great job of preventing spammers by gradually trusting users over time. If it allowed new users to arbitrarily upload, the system would simply be overrun by spam.
Same for editing. Spamming often starts by a user posting something innocuous and then going back and modifying it with spam.
Thank you for your understanding.
Yes, I’m on a trial version, but if I can’t figure out this simple thing, this may not be the right software for me. Right now I’m very frustrated, I can’t get the help I need, can’t find a single video that shows all the steps needed to have the audio streamer trigger the lyric scroll. I mean I’ve done everything to set it up. Installed Chord Pro, typed in all the coding for verse, chorus etc. Made all the Markers in the mp3 file. And I’ve done this for 22 songs (2 Sets) and while the mp3 plays when I hit the Play button I inserted in my RackSpace, the lyrics don’t scroll. I don’t get it. I mean run a lot of DAWs, Cubase, Pro Tools, Nuendo…but this thing is frying my brain!! And did I mention the Manual is on a website, not a PDF.? And no way to save it as a PDF. Not everyone runs a DAW on an Internet computer. Anyways, if you’re a Mod please delete my past posts, except for the first one.I’ll keep banging my head against the wall, going over the link you sent, and see if I can figure out what step I’m missing.
Okay, those are all valid and understandable reasons, and I understand your need for security. But I put it to you this way, if someone does start spamming, can’t you just delete their account and kick them out? I am NOT a spammer I can assure you of that. I am a new user who is just trying to figure this out, and running into more roadblocks than I anticipated. I need help now, not 6 months from now, when I’m a trusted Member. I think it’s not well thought out. I mean you want to encourage people to buy your software, nurture them and help them when they can’t figure something out, right? Not make it so frustrating that they throw their hands in the air and just give up. It’s about making it easier for them to enjoy your software. Anyways, I’m probably not going to be able to convince you. I’m going back to reading the manual.I had hope to use this on this Sat. night’s gig, but I don’t think that’s going to be possible.
Wow, thank you sooooo much David-san!!
Hey @RobJames take a deep breath… keep cool, you are now a regular user I just forgot to tell you that I did it.
Now take your time to discover GP, don’t jump the gun!
I was trying to explain how the automatic system works.
It isn’t feasible for there to be someone sitting around all day and night monitoring the forums instantly ready to delete a spammer. So without these tools, a spammer (or just a trained bot) could immediately upload something malicious that would immediately be emailed to everybody who subscribes to particular topics or forum categories, thereby potentially infecting many users’ systems before someone notices. Among other things, we want to protect our customers as much as possible against such risks
Various moderators check in periodically and when they see a few legitimate posts such as yours, one of them will generally “upgrade” the trust level so as to allow editing and uploading, just as what happened to you today, in less than 6 hours!
Your first post was 6 hours ago (as of the time of this writing). Most companies will take 2-3 days, often longer, before they respond to a specific question but several people have already responded to you and elevated your access so that you can edit/upload. Our support system is highly regarded by many as being one of the best available. The Discourse system is extremely well thought out and does a very good job of addressing (with apologies to Mr. Spock) the needs of the many!
Google is your friend. Typing gig performer scroll chordpro immediately returns a reference to a blog article on our site that explains multiple ways to scroll. We do our best to provide as many resources as possible and help people expediently. But it’s not unreasonable to assume that users know how to use search engines and so we create on an on-going basis new blog articles, how-tos and numerous videos to help our customers.
Of course – and that’s why Gig Performer is under continuous development and that’s why we work on adding more and more resources. But it can take a day or two to collect/understand a specific user’s issue and guide them to the answer.
Gig Performer is an extremely deep application. I certainly wouldn’t get up on stage with this (or indeed any product ) before committing to it and then spending several weeks getting deeply comfortable with the “idiom” so as to be able to use it efficiently.
Again, a humble THANK YOU, David-san. I know my way around sophisticated Audio software, to a very high degree, and I have set-up a 32-channel Mixer, with 2 virtual guitar amps, a virtual bass amp, Omnisphere keyboards, Superior Drummer 3 kit and all the mics. All set-up for a virtual “Live” performance, so I understand how to use this software. But I challenge ANYBODY to read that wholly inadequate tutorial on scrolling lyrics I was linked to, and be able to scroll your lyrics. And that is the ONLY resource for that on the web, aside from the manual. I totally understand this is VERY powerful software, at least for what I want to do, but Man for the life of me I can’t figure out what step I’m missing. I’ve read that tutorial over and over again, been at it for 3 days now, with no tangible results. I normally don’t ask anyone for help, I RTFM. But I came here seeking help, thinking for sure somebody, even if it was only one person, would be able to see what I’m doing wrong. At some point, banging your head against a wall, only leaves you with a headache. But I can’t even post my .gig file…
You should be able to upload it. Please try again. Your trust level has been increased more.
But that said, rather than just throwing a gigfile up and expecting people to open it (and perhaps have to deal with not having the same plugins, not having the MP3 files and so forth) why don’t you first describe exactly in detail the steps you have performed.
For example, “Made all the Markers in the mp3 file” doesn’t mean you made them correctly. Perhaps upload a screen shot showing the action for one of the markers.
When you press Play, I assume the player starts and the playhead moves past the marker, thereby triggering it.
And of course there is also the possibility you found a bug(though we hope not)
I’m sure someone will be able to help once they have more information but I am not sure why you the expectation that you can post on a support forum and expect an instant answer or solution. That’s seriously unreasonable given that we don’t yet have enough information to know (see) what’s going on in any detail.
Thank you Sir, I will do both,screenshot and the .gig file. Everything you need is there, mp3, lyrics everything. Somebody should be able to load it. There are no plugin in this test, and only one song and one mp3.Thank you for your persistence in helping me, it’s GREATLY appreciated.
Sorry I can’t upload the zip file, it’s 25 megs and over the limit of 19 megs.
Did you put the required lines in your ChordPro file?
e.g., {marker: “Intro”} {marker: “verse”} etc.