How to send or receive CC to DAW

How to send/receive CC to/from DAW? Please, I’m using Gig Performer 4 with DAW Digital Performer 9.

Thank you)

Virtual MIDI ports: How to route audio and MIDI on Windows and macOS [resources]

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Sorry to say, but it doesnt work. And yes in the Global MIDI I have the IAC I/O MIDI ports activated. Ι also tried a virtual IAC midi connection in a rackspace. What else could it be?
Screen Shot 2024-09-09 at 15.01.12

Don’t connect an IAC driver like that - you’ll get an instant permanent feedback loop.

I’m not sure why you even made that connection – it will do nothing beyond creating a loop.

Sending MIDI messages to a DAW absolutely works if you follow that article about Virtual MIDI ports.

The other way to do it is using GP Relayer

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I was just experimenting with IAC cause nothing worked…Is there GP Relayer in GP4?

No, there isn’t.

If you click on the link I posted, you’ll find a bunch of resources/tutorials. IAC ports are used on a Mac.