GP's Midi File Player Quick Question

Hello GP friends,

Does the GP Midi File Player have a transpose feature, say up/down octave? If not, how can I play a midi file but get the resulting signal transposed up/down an octave at the VST end?

Thanks in advance!

I don’t think there is a transpose function in the MIDI file player, but you can enable the « merge » option of a MIDI in block and inject you MIDI file player output in the merger input of this MIDI in block. From the MIDI in block you can then transpose. If you don’t want the drum channel to be transposed, do the same trick with a second MIDI in block and in both MIDI in blocks configure the channels mapping in the proper way.


Thank you, @David-san, for the speedy reply! Mark this one solved - the Midi In block with “merge” enabled did the trick!

Dang, I love this place! The possibilities are endless :smile:


Damn… @David-san Sir was quicker! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :beers:

I just nailed together a small scriptlet which might do the job as well… you can save it into the GP-Favorites folder and then insert it in the wiring view as a “Favorite”…
It should be placed right after the midi player. The transpose (+/- 12 halfsteps) can then be adjusted with the according parameter, which can also be mapped to a widget…
To save a particular channel from being transposed (i.e. CH10 = drums) i added another parameter for that purpose (thanks @David-san for the hint)

New Version with “Safe-Channel”
Transposer SCR.gpfav (1.6 KB)

I think, either way is viable, with or without scripting… it’s just one possibility more (endless +1) :wink:


I didn’t checked your Scriptlet, perhaps you did it, but not applying the transpose to channel 10 (usually used for the drums) could be a good idea.

Hm… you are right. I just used a general transpose.
There better should be an option to set the channels, or maybe to keep one channel from being transposed.

Brilliant! Genius, I tell you, scriptlet works perfectly as well! You guys are amazing. :grinning:


Thanks! :slight_smile:
Check the posting above for the newer version with a “safe-channel”!

EDIT: Sorry… i had to make another correction. You can now set the “safe channel” to 0 to make it to “transpose all”.


New version works perfectly as well. What’s great about this little scriptlet is you could transpose just a single VST plugin if you are connecting multiple VSTs to a single MIDI Input block. Thanks again!

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I have a rig with a bunch of Synths as I am testing various sounds/presets using a Midi file. For some reason, the Mellotron was playing an octave higher. Not any longer, thanks to @schamass and @David-san 's help