Going between splits and two keyboards

I move between home and rehearsal space often where at rehearsal space I have two keyboards… at home I have one.

I usually play two different sounds each on it’s own manual but at home when rehearsing I’d play with splits and these become very custom in order to acomplish the same thing.

The issue lies in that I currently manage this with different rackspaces but then I have to re-assign my song parts to the other rackspace each time I move my setup.

What ideally I’d have is a button (or a group with most but 1 hidden) where I’d simply toggle between playing splits on my home single manual practice keyboard and dual manual when I am at reharsal and this button wouldn’t be affected by rackspaces or variations… .it would be a master over-ride.

Any obvious non-scripting approaches to this I am not thinking of at the moment?

I am assuming that you already are using rig manager for your setups… then there would be three aliases for the different keyboards , say “large”, “upper” and “lower”.
Why not just use midi blocks for all of them at once in any rackspace, configured the way you need them, and connected parallel.
Then if a device behind an alias isn’t present, the regarding midi block just wouldn’t send anything, but the other would, thus keeping your rackspace working as it should.
No need for buttons of even scripts…
Or am I thinking wrong?

@schamass , thank you very much for this input!! That’s a very good idea, although my solution was: Same keyboards at home and with the band :slight_smile:

I agree with @schamass, we already had a similar question in the forum I think.

If you define a lower and upper alias name given that you have three controllers key_home, key_upper and key_lower, the idea would be to define left hand split in lower MIDI block and the right hand split in upper MIDI block.

Then at home, in Rig Manager, assign the key_home controller to both the lower and upper alias name. And when in rehearsal, assign controller MIDI port key_upper to alias name upper and key_lower to lower.

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I have two keyboards, one I move between reharsal and home.

If I did this, then effectively I wouldn’t have the full note range for my keyboards when they are both present. Correct?

It’s not like I play only a split range per keyboard when I have both present, it’s more like i use them depending on what sound I am using with piano/e.piano sounds played primarily on the lower keyboard and organ and synth on the upper (but not always exclusively).

I have currently two midi in blocks working in paralell to each sound in my rackspace with a widget blocking the midi note on as a way of assigning what controller to what sound.

So I’d need a second set of midi in blocks from unique aliases which were set as splits (actually two additional sets with that split and an inverted version of that, see below…) to compliment my already parallel wiring setup?

So I’d have to remove the midi device association for the full range midi alias and assign it to the split range alias when I moved the keyboard from reharsal to home, correct?

The trickly part is… my need for splits at home would not be a 1:1 relationship to upper/lower keyboards as I have it at rehearsal. If it’s a piano based song which I’d play the dominant part for on the lower keyboard, I’d need that in my right hand split with organ (usually the upper) split over to the left. If it’s an organ based song, the opposite, perhaps with no split.

It’s all a bit confusing. I was hoping for a single state change that allowed me to switch between what mode I was in so at least I was playing the right sound, even if there were no splits, so my song part assignments would remain the same… but that would be song specific.

That was the missing part for me… i thought you had three keyboards, one large at home and two in the rehearsal room.

So, a 61 note XK-5 (upper) and a SL-73 note lower.

I think so yes. But, it could be by far easier to buy an additionnal used keyboard to have a similar setup at home, it would make your life much easier. :wink:

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