I have about 6 weeks before my next performance in which I will be using GP. I want to start integrating the Global Rackspace into my Gig File. Initially, I would like my Pianoteq and B3-X VSTs with a reverb and a tube pre to reside in it. I’ve been attempting research on YouTube and the GP website and I’m totally confused as to how to begin this endeavor. Any suggestions on where and what I should be looking to help this 4th grader figure how to do this?
Question….how is gigfile set up now?
Do you only have one rackspace?
Why do you want your piano to be in the global rackspace?
My intention is to create a rack space that I can export and build a gig file using that as my default. I thought one of the reasons for creating a Global racks pace was to have instruments and FX VSTs that could reside in any rack space in a gig file. I guess I’m not quite understanding how a Global rack space is supposed to used. I have a current gig file that has about 25 rack spaces and the plan was to integrate the Global feature into them.
There are different ways to use the global rackspace depending on one’s needs but not how you are describing it. If you are going to have instruments and effects in different rackspaces (that;s the normal way), then you may never even need the global rackspace.
For most keyboard players, the idea is to use the global rackspace for final effects processing. For example, instead of sending your plugin outputs to the audio output block in individual rackspaces, you might send your plugin outputs to the global rackspace where some final tweaking such as global reverb, global eq, global compression or limiting might be added. Control over routing to specific audio channels might be done there as well.
That’s how I use it myself.
Others might put an instrument or two in the global rackspace if it’s used on pretty much every song though IMO unless that instrument is sample based, it’s generally still more convenient to put it in each rackspace where it’s needed - remember also that rackspaces can be reused in multiple song parts.
Guitar players will often use it quite differently from keyboard players. For example, they might take the audio input of their guitar immediately into the global rackspace, possibly compress it, and then send it to different local rackspaces where each rackspace essentially represents a different set of effect pedals.
There’s not right or wrong way
I use for the 2nd way. To put memory/ram intensive sample based instruments that I use a lot (Session Horns Pro). So, that way I do not repeatedly use ram by putting duplicate ram intensive instruments in multiple local rackspaces.
So, from this perspective, it doesn’t make as much sense to put Pianoteq and B3-X there because they are physically modeled (are not ram intensive).
Just my $.02.
Thank you for the explanation David. It’s much clearer to me now!