You have a number of options. Here are two (but I think there are other options/variations noted in the thread)
A lot of people use a separate tablet to view charts, sheet music, etc. I use Mobilesheets Pro (inexpensive) with an Android tablet (but there are versions for other OSs). I think David Jameson (GP developer) uses Mobilesheets Pro too. You can set it up so it can send messages to GP to change songs to follow it (I do not use this). I believe it can receive messages to change songs. I “think” this may be the easiest, most flexible option.
Another option is to integrate this with GP. I Know GP allows you to use chord files. I believe there are “extensions” that might accomplish what you are looking for. But I do not use this and I know very little about aspects of GP I do not use, hah! So, I will not try to get into any details about this.
So, hopefully this provides a bit of clarity about at least two directions you could go.
I looked at this in GP4 and found it unacceptable for my needs. I just entered a downtime where became comfortable I could upgrade to GP5 and have time to resolve any issues that might have come up. Fortunately, there weren’t many.
So, has this improved in GP5 enough I should give it another look?
I probably should have said similar to instead of uses. I wonder why they decided to tap into the UDP layer in this protocol. Maybe that’s why it was unsuccessful at replacing MIDI? TCP/IP/UDP is prone to requiring packets be resent, even more so in wireless situations.
In practice that’s not a problem, especially with wired switched networks.
Maybe the reason for OSC not replacing MIDI is that music-people tend to know about MIDI: it belongs to their domain. Networking on the contrary doesn’t.
Btw: If you use OSC to communicate between applications on the same computer, packet loss would indicate a very bad ip stack of the OS. IP communication within the same computer is merely manipulation memory and signaling processes.
You’re probably right. I don’t tend to adopt new technologies unless it is a significant improvement or the the tech I use dies for some reason. A bird in hand worth two in the bush…
So, how do we do that? is that one of those address things?
That’s called the local loopback. In fact it’s a range … Every computer that has an ip stack hosts this range. It’s there for local communication between applications. It’s not possible to reach another computer via addresses in this range.
A common issue is that people use the ip address that is assigned to the wifi network. You could use that as a loopback until there’s no wifi. Then interface stays down and even a manually assigned address will not come up. Same goes for the addresses assigned to wired interfaces: no wire, no address. Tl dr: use for local communication.
How do we do that: GP always listens on, so no configuration there. For OSC the target address would be
It is the listening port that distinguishes between applications. So different instances of GP must have different port numbers.