Lyrics/Chords Extension

This extension provides an alternate Lyrics/Chords viewer and editor for Gig Performer (requires GP5). You must still use the inbuilt Lyrics/Chords editor to initially create/link the ChordPro file to the song, but after this, you can just use the extension.

A few of the features include:

  • Uses a proper window, which can be set to fullscreen, and position/size will be restored the next time it’s opened; ability to pin the window to the top of all displayed windows.
  • Dark mode for both ChordPro lyrics/chords and images.
  • Adjustable lyrics and chord colors.
  • Two-page view.
  • Supports the special GP directive that links a section of the ChordPro file with a song part name e.g. to automatically jump to that section when the part is selected:
    {songpartname: Verse 1}
  • Additional ChordPro Directive support: chord diagrams (both guitar fretboard and keyboard); Grids/Bars.
  • Autoscroll using Duration and Pause directives (see this post for details)
  • Uses a standard sans-serif font by default (can also use the same monospace font used by the default Lyrics/Chords window).
  • Improved image support (e.g. if a PDF has been converted to images using the GP tool): fit to width/height; two-page view.
  • Song search.
  • Font size adjustment.
  • Transpose; Change all chords to flat/sharp; New custom directive to specify these settings in the ChordPro file.
  • Editor overlay window that allows a live preview of changes.
  • A template Panel that includes widgets that control: scrolling the song list; scrolling the main lyrics/chords; next/previous page; next/previous song; open/close the window.
  • Limited keyboard support: arrow keys to move next/previous; CTRL+f (CMD+f on Mac) to bring up the search box (ESC to dismiss search).

ChordPro Demo


Images Demo


The downloads for MacOS and Windows are available from GitHub:

This is the example Bad Moon Rising file I used in the above images:
Bad Moon (791 Bytes)

When you download the extension for your operating system, move it to the Extensions folder (if it doesn’t exist you will need to create it):

On macOS:
/Users/Shared/Gig Performer/Extensions
On Windows: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Gig Performer\Extensions

Note: MacOS users will have the extension blocked by default. You will either need to right-click the extension file in Finder and select Open (to be able to allow it), or go into the System Settings app and Privacy & Security section and locate the entry for the extension and allow it. After that, open GP.

Chord Diagrams
These use the “define” directive and are always shown at the top of the lyrics/chords, following the title and subtitle. Refer to the site for details.

  • Piano/Keyboard Diagram Example: D major
    {define: D keys 0 4 7}

  • Guitar/Fretboard Diagram Example: Em
    {define: Em base-fret 1 frets 0 2 2 0 0 0}


Gig Performer Jedi Grand Master! :slight_smile:

Thank you for creating this awesome extension!


Very well done!

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NICE!!! Works incredibly well, thank you. Can you point me to the Template Panel mentioned? I’m keen to understand how I can do page control via widgets.

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If you go into panel Edit mode, the drop down menu at the top of the screen where you select the panel size, will include an additional menu item for any panels added by extensions.


Found it - wow, this is better than expected! :grinning:


… that said, the only thing missing for me at the moment is the option of a two-page layout. (Feature Request?) Apart from that it’s a long overdue overhaul of chord chart capability and spectacularly done. Thank you!

I never quite understood how to achieve this automatically, when combined with a scrolling window. I didn’t particularly like the idea of having to add it into the file as a directive.

Was there another app that you’ve used that did this well?

I’m using MobileSheets at the moment and have gotten used to the 2-page layout option there. I wouldn’t expect to use scrolling in this mode anyway, next/previous page works well. In fact, I’d find page scrolling too disorienting anyway :slight_smile:

@LMercuri I have an update that adds a two-page view for lyrics/chords.
There are a few known issues with wrapping fretboard diagrams and wrapping grids/bars (basically, they don’t wrap).

Let me know if you notice any issues.


Great improvements! BTW: I still need to allow the extension to open on macOS. This happened to this release and the previous one. :thinking:

You mean how MacOS blocks it by default? There is no way around that unless I register as a developer with Apple and code sign it (I’m in no hurry to do this).


OK - no problem. Thanks for the clarification! I assumed together with the GP5 release you might do this registration :innocent:

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Thank you! I’ll give it a try this week.

What I would still miss is an auto-scroll function. I’m currently using Bandhelper. This has such a function.

Do you only use a simple slow scroll throughout the song, or do you use the pause for X seconds or other options?

For the auto-scroll, the duration and the tempo (bpm) are used and possibly a lead time

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You can auto scroll using widgets in Gig Performer.
Some solutions for auto scrolling (with downloadable example gig file) is in this article: [blog] Scrolling your lyrics or lead sheets

This is working great for me now - thank you. I manage to get most of my chord charts down to 2 pages to avoid having to scroll or hit ‘next page’ so this change is massive for me. I still love MobileSheets - but for the majority of my gigs, Gigperformer can do it all! I will still have a use for MobileSheets outside of gigging so I find it useful to point GigPerformer’s ChordPro file location to the same one I use for MobileSheets. This way, any update to the ChordPro file is reflected in both places without having to mess with multiple files. Works well.


I’ve added a formal release for the two-page view to GitHub. This also adds a subtle page number, and fixed an image positioning issue when using the two-page view.
The downloads are on the GitHub releases page, linked from the first post.