Getting started help

Hello group, I need help setting up my GP4. Absolute noob here. I followed getting started instructions from GP YouTube video. Looks like I have everything configured correctly but GP is not seeing any midi and obviously there’s no audio. So here’s where im at so far:
M-Audio Axiom 49>5 pin midi out to midi in Presonus 1824c. USB-C to 2023 MacBook Pro.
Rackspace has Omni in box wired to Bx3 wired stereo to audio out box. Pics of wiring and audio/midi configuration from Options menu.

Can someone please tell me what I’ve missed?

[blog] How to change sounds and control plugins from your MIDI controller

Useful article.

Please open the Global MIDI Monitor and see does MIDI comes to Gig Performer from your controller.

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Midi Monitor shows nothing. No midi is getting to GP. Can’t figure out why.

Did you double check the “Midi Out” of the Axiom is going to the “Midi In” of the Presonus.

Have you tried plugging the Axiom via USB to the Mac?

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Is this a new setup for you or do you already use it with a DAW? From what we can see from your screenshots and given that your Global MIDI monitor doesn’t display anything, the issue seems to be from you Axiom controller to the Presonus MIDI.