Feature request - numerical readout/editing on levels

this has been brought up before, at least something very similar, but: can we get a numerical readout of fader levels in the mixers/gain plugins? even better, a numerical readout that can be edited? it’s impossible as far as i can tell to see what level a fader is at without clicking on it, which instantly moves it to another value.

You can display the value of a parameter by using a Label widget, and put “[value]” in it’s caption.
Here’s a link to the full answer:

yes, that is useful, thanks - but for rackspaces where there are many mixers, gain/volume controls, etc., this causes an unnecessary multiplication of widgets and labels (and lots of extra work, poor me!) when the faders could just display their values. also, the labels are spatially quite separated from the widget they are associated with, as they have to live on a rack panel and not with the widget when i pop it out. maybe that’s harder to do than i think, or would mean redesigning the ui or something. i’m by no means a programmer - it’s just something that would make my life better :wink:

Yes, you’re right. That’s a lot of extra labels to make. It would be nice if it worked in the Customize Caption field of every type of widget.

Agreed. Also, the ability to edit directly would be helpful for all numerical values as it can be hard to drag the control accurately.

I put an entry into our feature tracking list to somehow display the value without having to move the widget. Maybe a little popup when you move the mouse over or something similar.


Maybe you could add an option for the widget-caption to tick on/off, something like “show value as caption” (similar to the “custom caption” option).

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EDIT: It seems that the widget’s “original” caption is automatically restored, so that this script-snippet won’t have a longterm-effect. It’s useless… sorry.

As workaround for those who really need/want to read the numerical value of a widget:
You may help yourself with a little script like

SetWidgetLabel(yourwidgetsname, GetWidgetValue(yourwidgetsname))

This should set the widget’s caption to it’s actual value.

In the on WidgetChanged event?

Yes, i thought it would work with the widget-changed callback, but unfortunately the “original” caption that the widget was set to by it’s defiintion, is automatically restored, so the the value (or any other fixed value or string) that is set as caption with SetWidgetLabel() won’t stay longer than say a second.
@dhj: Is this by purpose? If yes, maybe an additional parameter like “persist” could be useful for such intent…