Experiencing an outage every few minutes

From within a setlist I began to practice my play for our next gig in 2 weeks (de Piek in Vlissingen). I noticed a glitch every 5 or 10 minutes. For a second there is a silence, and then the last played note before the glitch kept playing like it was triggered by a sustain pedal. I can resume my play, but the note keeps playing until it slowly dies.
I optimized my laptop by the PDF which can be found in the documents of GP. I optimized it for 95%, except the suggestions I didn’t dare to do.
Any suggestions about this?

What didn’t you dare to do?

Anyways, here are more tips: FREE e-book by Deskew - Optimize your Windows PC for the stage!

That strongly suggests that something else is running on your computer periodically and is interfering with Gig Performer’s audio processing.

What type of sound and plugin are you using?

Are streaming from a solid state drive?


I’m using several VST’s such as Xpand2!, Omnisphere, Blue2.

It’s a laptop which way of datastorage is new to me. Not a Harddisk, not a SSD with the same size as a Harddisk, but much smaller a big as a thumbdrive. Don’t know how its called.

Hmm, I wonder if that could be the issue. Maybe this is not suited to stream from disk.

But, we’ll see if others (with more computer chops than I have) check in.

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My son says it’s called M.2 SSD

I would think that is fine (but what do I know).

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go into task manager
Performance view and keep an eye on the CPU Memory and Disk
See if any are topping out at 100%
If not look at your sound is windows using it too?
is it in a hub that’s bottlenecking every now and then.
try plugging soundcard into separate USB laptop port to any midi

@DJAA good tips. Especially keeping an eye on active and topping programs and cpu. Will do that and hope to find the source of the problem. Thank you.

Hi miracles65
Did you finally find a specific setting that might have caused the problem? I have the same here…

Hi @Gregster , I’m not sure yet. I tried to disable everything that have something to do with Windows Defender. I uses a lot of memory.
GP WD mem
But that was not easy to do. Next Saturday i will test GP again. Hope I got rid of the glitches. Wat did you do so far?

Well, I tested GP after I did turned off some bachground apps. Especially the email and calendar app needs no checking for updates which i can imagine they do on a regular basis.
And although I’m not 100% sure it solved my problem, i hadn’t had a glitch last Saturday while practicing. So @Gregster maybe you can try this to see it solves the problem for you.

Please let me know!!

In the e-book, we recommend to turn off all background apps.

I don’t use Windows as much now as my MacBook is near always on, but on Windows its well worth enabling hyper-v and creating a virtual “office” OS image that has all the apps and settings for everyday office use. You can power up the virtual machine when you need general office type stuff and power it off when not; This keeps the main Windows OS clean and optimised for music. An added benefit is that you can load up a 32bit windows virtual machine and pass audio/midi to the main OS for running some old 32bit Vst’s and lo fi stuff. I also have a "sandbox virtual PC I use for Newshosing sites etc, which keeps anything suspect well clear of my main and other Os images. I use newshosting as nearly all my love of prog music and Krautrock music is near impossible to get on Spotify or Google Music (it’s not as bad these days though).
The hyper-v service is quite lightweight and can be stopped in task manager if needed.
It is worth using a second SSD for hyper-v images to keep the storage away from Music files( I use 4 Main os C Vst and libraries D, Hyper-v images E, downloads and general backup images F)
It’ll be even better when Microsoft releases the network midi libraries in a future update.
1TB nvme drives are cheap these days. well worth buying a few and fitting them.

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Here are my 3.5 cents.
When I first installed GP on windows 10 running on a 2012 iMac it was nearly unusable with all sorts of problems.
I then discovered the windows optimization guide. Followed the video and did as many of the things suggested as I could.
Miraculously GP started working.
Even though my windows defender is still on.
Never caused an issue.

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