Display Bar/Beat Number of Midi Player onto Widget

Dear Community,

is there a way to display the Bar / Beat Numbers of midi player loaded in a rackspace onto a widget label of the panel in that rackspace?

I tried out to map a text label to midi player “BarBeatDisplay” but it’s just a static display
and I can see the bar/beat number each time I stop playing - but it’s not updating while playing.

I found a script file from pianopaul and tried it out:

It’s not working as it should - I can upload my gig file if you want me to.
Beside that - it would “just” work for 4/4 times that way and I would have to change the script for other times, is this correct?

Thanks and BR Stefan

Yes that is possible

Something mustn’t be working properly if it’s not updating.

Wrong Parameter mapped :wink:

CurrentPosition, not BarBeat Display :upside_down_face: Works now!
Thanks a lot for high speed help!

BR Stefan

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