Custom button colors in GP Selector extension

@ztones I think I have it figured out. Please try this version: (715.7 KB)

It was to do with the new Pref setting RemoveColorKeywordFromName = true

That fixed it! :slight_smile: Did things get resized or changed graphically speaking? I don’t remember the buttons being this small. This is where I have room to park it.

1: Is it possible to get rid of this space and push buttons all the way left?
2: Is it possible to push text all the way left?
Between 1&2 perhaps I can get enough text visible???

3: Button height at this scale is a bit too small to chose with confidence. I used to park it in the same place and I don’t remember it being this small. I don’t have time right now unfortunately to install the old one and test.

Thank so much!

Your screenshots from the prior post with your ideal width had a much wider window. You can see from how much space is between the word ‘Songs’ in the header and the pin icon.

I’ll double-check, but don’t think anything has changed apart from moving the song part text much further to the left than what it originally was.

@ztones some changes and comments:

  • As an aim for the extension was to be useable on touchscreens, I have set a much larger minimum height for the buttons.
  • Before I consider adding more preferences for the text indent, I have added logic to remove the left text indent when you are using the ‘large scroll area’ and have a very narrow window width.

This is what your prior screenshot should look like now: (716.1 KB)

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Awesome! Will test soon! :+1::clap:

Now we’re talking! This is awesome! I can see more text, buttons are comfortably large. Much much much better! I will use it like this tonight and I MIGHT even ask if I may for a slightly narrower (but only slightly) scroll area to see even more text, but lets see how it feels live. It might be just perfect as is. Again, thank you!

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You’re gigging a lot! :slight_smile: Basically, you’ve tested every version of the extension live :slight_smile:

I like to live dangerously! :wink:

The world’s sexiest man: “I don’t always try new extensions live, but when I do, its @rank13 extension!” LOL Depending on the country one lives in, this may or may not make sense to one.

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I really enjoyed using the latest version. No issues at all!

I think this is such a great option for musicians who want to organize their SOUNDS (as opposed to song parts like verse, chorus etc). For improvising musicians, or if you just want to organize your favorite sounds/variations to quickly choose for what you’re playing, this is very helpful. The color coding was a great idea! If I’m looking for a clean sound, instead of reading the names of every song part (or variation), I’m only looking at the blues. If I want a high gain lead, I’m only going to look at the reds. Much faster approach! I highly recommend it!

The only thing I found myself pausing and double checking for, is to confirm which one is currently selected. From 3ft /1 meter away, the white highlighted border is a little hard to see. Can that be thickened up?

Thanks @rank13 !


Yes, make it very thick :slight_smile:
(if that is possible)

Cool! :beers:

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@rank13 , just wondering, is the thicker border for selected song part/variation a possibility?

Yes it is. When using the ‘large scroll area’ there’s also an option to use this space for an indicator beside the selected button.

@ztones give this version a test. (717.4 KB)

New menu item for ‘Toggle Thick Borders’
Add this to the Defaults section of the preferences file: ThickBorders = true

Hopefully it’s thick enough :slight_smile: Any thicker it will start taking more of the space for the button text.

This is not built in yet in the most recent version right?

Much better, thank you! :slight_smile:

I think what not making the white border stand out as much as possible is the fact that all the text is in white around it. So if you just glance at it, you see all the button colors and all the white. I did a little testing with white, black and yellow. Man, that yellow really pops! Of course, yellow is off the menu for button colors, but that’s OK by me! White text on yellow wouldn’t work too well anyway.

Another idea is to change the selected button font color (to yellow?)???

PS: No, I haven’t already solved the coding of the extension, this one is called Photoshop. :wink:

I agree that the bright yellow stands out the most in your mockups. I won’t go as far as making that the default colour :wink: but I’ve added the ability for you to choose the colour via the prefs file.

Use this version and add this to the prefs file (to the Defaults section, not the button colours section):
BorderColor = FFFBFF0A (718.2 KB)


As always, thank you very much! Playing live, seeing everything clearly at a glance buy so much confidence! This little change will make a huge difference! Thanks again for this awesome, customizable extension!


You’re welcome!
BTW I noticed an issue with the auto text indenting with the last version. I’ve updated the link above.

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Uploaded again - zipped the wrong version :joy:

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Quick question… Is it possible to start up GP with the extension open? It would save a lot of not-exactly-accurate finger tapping on the menu, then on the bottom menu bar to bring it front (visible). On the other hand, to exit it is only one tap. Would be great if an “open on startup” option could be embedded. :slight_smile:

You can use a switch widget in the global rackspace panel to open it.
Just give it this name in the Advanced tab of the widget properties: GP_SELECTOR.

If you also enable OSC for the widget, this script in the Gig Script should ensure the widget is always active when you open the gig file.

On SystemEvent Matching GigLoaded
    OSC_SendDoubleSpecific("/GlobalRackspace/GP_SELECTOR/SetValue", 1.0, "", OSC_GetGPListeningPort())