Can't HEAR Gig Performer Patches while Recording Guitar in Logic Pro X

I not aware of that. Why do you think so?

David-San: turns out the PLUG-IN ALLIANCE group, from whom I lease a bunch of great PLUGINS and GIG PERFORMER, both LEASES and SELLS Gig Performer.

When one LEASES Gig Performer that Gig Performer is RESTRICTED to play ONLY PlugIn Alliance plugins.

When one BUYS Gig Performer outright, Gig Performer will play ALL PLUGINS from any source.

I owned GP3, GP4 is an upgrade along with my annual PlugIn Musician Bundle rental.

So GP4 would not play many of my PlugIns from other sources.

That make sense?

Hope so!


I stil don’t understand this.

  • GP4 PA Edition is restricted to PA plugins.
  • GP4 PA Unlocked is not restricted to PA plugins and is basically the same product than Deskew GP4 (beside the different templates and plugins included, a different licensing system and different (not to say much delayed) update release schedule)

And as far as I know, it was not different for GP3 PA licenses. So, nothing here explains that you have to stuck to GP3 if you want to go on using « plugins from other sources». I am not aware of plugins working, for any reason, only with GP3 and not with GP4… :thinking:

He bought GP3 unlocked but he did NOT buy GP4 unlocked, he was just using the GP4 locked version that comes free with some of the bundles

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Now it is clear. So, the best advice we could give is to go there to get all the advantages of GP4 without any restriction:


PA Users need to upgrade via PA website - we can’t cross-grade PA users.

But they can buy a full license from the link above if they want… they are free…


How are they free?

They can freely decide to buy the license they want…


I debated letting you all know how idiotic this whole thing was because of a, um, well, ahhh um, a Logic error…
But, for the good of the community, I found “somebody” had unchecked the “Software Monitoring” box on PREFERENCES → GENERAL–> Automatic Bus Assignment Uses

Now, it’s working like it was designed to.

Sorry, very sorry about taking time here…



Yes - no matter what kind of error, it’s always really valuable to report what happened as it can happen to others just the way it happened to you. We all benefit.