Bypass Color in Wiring View


I’m finding in Wiring view that the orange horizontal bar used to visually indicate that a plugin is bypassed is very close in color to the natural orange of input plugins - to the point that it can require really close inspection to see if something is currently bypassed or not.

I wonder if something could possibly be done to ameliorate this?

But the bypass is shown as a horizontal bar.
Can you upload a screenshot to show the issue?

I think he is speaking of this:
Screenshot 2024-03-17 at 9.44.11 AM


For me it is visually clear that it is bypassed

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Yes, that picture is what I’m referring to.

FWIW, I’m not in any way aiming to mess up anyone else’s experience/perception, just hoping there might be a way to enhance my own!

You could map a widget to the bypass property of the widget and you see it clearly in the panel

Thanks for the suggestion. It is in the Wiring view specifically that I’m hoping to improve the situation.

What color would you like to see?
But it is allways difficult to use the correct color because no one sees the color like you see.

Perhaps adding an icon of some sort to the bar?

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A broken MIDI in rifle?

What does that look like?

[quote=“pianopaul, post:8, topic:17162”]
no one sees the color like you see

Are you saying there is a way for the user to set that color on their own? That would perhaps be ideal.

Or, there could be other visual ways to go (e.g. big black X over it, a crumpled picture instead of a normal one, etc.)

The more clearly visible from farther away the better …

That was a joke.
I had the picture in mind when your midi cable is on the floor and you accidentally step on the rifle.

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No I am saying you can discuss about colors, but that makes no sense because each human sees colors differently.

Yes, that’s why I hesitate to say for example, “How about BLUE?”. Someone else might find that to be terrible!

We do however have Display Options available as a place to allow the user to customize.

How important is that for you?
You are the 1st person which comments about that bypass color.

I was just chatting about this with Eldad — turns out he has difficulty with it as well — I suspect that quite a few users are just living with this but if they have any difficulties distinguishing colors that are close, then this might not be as clear as one would like.

I"ve added this to our tracking system so we can think about how we might improve it


You’ve summed up the situation exactly, at least for me. :wink:

I also have difficulties and it happened to me that I couldn’t understand why my plugin doesn’t produce any sound because of this. I usually don’t say anything regarding colors as I am partially color blind.

5 posts were split to a new topic: Indicator for Bypass in wiring view