Behringer X-Touch MINI

If it goes from 0 to 100, it means that it works. But as I cannot try for now, it can be that the script is still a bit buggy. The most important thing for me is to figure out if the X-touch knobs can be sync. Could you please try to use the 4th Rackspace and MIDI learn all the knobs with your X-touch and also activate the MIDI SYNC option. (The 4th Rackspace is the only one where the knobs have to be MIDI learned). Then to test if the sync works, turn the X-touch knob fully in the left (the GP knob should follow). Then, move the GP widget to the 50% position. Finally, turn the X-touch knob a bit on the right and tell me if the GP knob continues to be increased for if it jumps to a position close to 0. Depending on the result of this test, the script can possibly be modified.
(I have just seen that the X-touch mini has LED rings around the knobs which should even simplify the procedure of checking if the Behringer knobs are synchronized… )

There may not be anything you can do about this. Not every behaviour can be altered in the X-Touch editor.

I have a rackspace and script that scales the values received by the X-Touch - converting them from 0-40 (which you can change) to 0-127 in GP. This means that you only turn the knob part-way, and GP widgets will interpret this as you turning the knob all the way to 127. This makes it very easy/comfortable to turn the X-Touch knobs and get full-range.

As well as changing the input/output midi ports to your X-Touch Mini, also edit the script and change the midi channel and CC numbers for your knobs - I’ve marked these in the script.

GP3 X-Touch Mini Scaled Knobs.gig (13.8 KB)

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Thanks a lot I must look at this in two weeks when I come back from recording and holidays !
Eagger to try that.
Thanks again to you all !!!