Bank select urgent

I imagine this is a simple concept but I have an urgent problem, as I thought I would have this done for tonight’s show. I am sending PCs to GP from a YC88 to select rackspaces. The YC88 send first a Bank select of 63 and then a second bank select of 32 and with that a fine # that corresponds to the actual bank you are in on the YC88 (0-24 I think). The actual PC number is always 1-8.

Please how do I set it up in GP to receive the proper bank. I have tried all combinations. Took a while to realize I had remap to 0 and 0 checked in MIDI settings as that worked with my CP300 and I can get the first 8 rackspaces to work with that, but can’t figure how to do the bank thing. Quite desperate and sincerely appreciate the help!!!

Try this setting.

And as it seems LSB is for 8 pc messages when you want the 9th sound
you have to give 1 for LSB

PC seems to cycle from 0 to 7

I’m sure i did that but will try again. Thanks Paul

Yes that is it, thanks so much Paul!!! I swear I tried that but clearly not or did something wrong. I just might have it together for the gig!!! :slight_smile: