Bad License Issue

I just had a really intense experience with GP on stage. Today, a license request almost made my band play without its keyboardist.

What happened?

I use two computers: a Mac for preparation and a MacBook for live performances. Both are equipped with GP and have active licenses.

This morning, when I was about to connect the MacBook on stage, I got a message asking me to activate my license. It was already activated, and my stress level started to rise. I opened the password manager, did a copy and paste, clicked activate. Then I got a message saying something like, “You have no more activations left.”

Hey, I was about to perform, and my “keyboard” refused to work because it wanted to be activated.

Luckily, I had internet access and bought a new license just so I could play my part.

I get it, software piracy is a problem.

But a new license request for software that’s already activated? That’s not okay. You put me in a very, very tough spot. Forget the $200 for the extra license - you almost ruined a performance with this licensing issue.

Because of this, I really need to consider whether I should go back to setting up keyboard rigs or find another solution.

I’m truly upset.


P.S. Regarding the cause of the error: There were two minor security updates for Sonoma that were automatically installed on my system. I suspect they are related. Although it’s debatable whether a new license request is necessary after such updates (it’s the same computer, after all), it might still be understandable.

But delivering an “out of activations” message without any warning is a deal-breaker for your software.

At the very least, there should be a notification like “x activations left” or something. Or maybe some sort of emergency option.

I definitely wouldn’t wish my onstage experience on anyone.

Did you change anything on OS level?
An Update of the OS is causing to activate again.
This is documented.

I never would let updates of the OS applied automatically for a machine I use on stage.

What version of Gig Performer are you using, the Plugin Alliance edition or Deskew?

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Yes I did the security updates, which changed the OS version number on the last sub digit.

The full version, no Plugin Alliance.

The problem is, to let me run into this without a warning. It is ok to reactivate, but to tell me out of nowhere I am not allowed to reactivate is the design error. And it is also a design error, that I am not allowed to reactivate on the same machine as often as I need. What do I do, when Apple comes out with a security thing each week?

I hate the kind of protection - It’s always full of problems. (Although I understand the motivation nevertheless). But the honest is the fool.

But, never, never leave me alone without a warning.

And if YOU would never let updates apply automatically for a machine you use on stage, that might not be the best for me for other reasons.

I always check my machine before I go on stage because an OS update could break things as happened with one of the ventura updates.

By the way, no need to shout at me.

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I checked it on the Mac where I prepared, and it was ok there.
So I didn’t made my mind.

By the way, no need to shout at me.

That’s true. Sorry.

Imho, the protection of GP is rather cooperative. The iLok protection used by for example Eventide much more strict.

But I can feel your frustration when you’re in the situation you described.

My approach to this (Windows): before applying the updates, I deactivate licenses, then I do the updates, then I reactivate all.

When you really depend on it: turn off automatic updates and do them manually. Less chance of getting surprises


We found your new order and have refunded you. You may keep the extra license. We have also reset your existing activations.

We have extensively documented the importance of not updating a computer within a few weeks of a show specifically to avoid the stress that you experienced. Not only can updates disable a Gig Performer activation but you run the real risk of an OS update breaking a plugin or causing system issues with audio - these kinds of things have happened in the past - one Ventura update broke IAC ports, an older macOS update broke aggregate audio devices, etc. Updating the OS, a plugin, an audio device driver, or even Gig Performer itself should be avoided unless you have plenty of time to verify that everything continues to work properly.

You can request your license keys and the email you receive will include the number of available activations.

We don’t tell people to NEVER update — simply to not update just before a show!


Ok, fair reaction.

Regard the doc: It is not in the main doc and was hence not found by me.

I’ll switch off automatic update. Experience makes you wise…

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We will fix that — this information should be more prominent.

Anyhow, hopefully you are back up and running.


Hello @wsomm

This is from the user manual:

Updating any critical software while on tour or otherwise engaged in a production project is strongly discouraged until you have time to thoroughly test the update to ensure that it is functioning correctly. That applies not only to Gig Performer, but to any plugin and even other applications or operating system updates. We recommend that you do not update anything on your computer within 3 weeks of a show so that you have time to address any issues without stress.

We also recommend controlled and careful updates on several places, including the Mac optimization guide → [blog] Optimize your Mac for a gig

But you are right – we definitely need to make this more prominent.


Wow, that sounds like it was a terrible experience. Equipment/software failure is my biggest fear too.
And that’s why it’s my personal policy that my gig rig (two rackmount computers, solely dedicated to GP and VSTs) NEVER connect to the internet once I have the OS, and all the software I need, installed and tested. When everything is working, I quarantine my rig, and just figure I don’t need updates.
My thinking is, if nothing changes, then nothing changes, and I’m happy :slight_smile:
Anyway, I’m very happy to read that you were reimbursed. GP is awesome!!!


Indeed it was a very intense experience. But in retro respect, I might have also been a bit naiv. In any case, it was fairly resolved.

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