Baba O'Riley Patch

I’m new here and just started getting in to GP. Does anyone have a patch for Baba Reilly that they would share??

Thanks in Advance

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I do - but you need a korg triton VST to run it. I can post it tonight.


Hi Mike:

I went ahead and bought the triton VST pack from Korg. Please post the patch.


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Ok - here it is. The “.txt” file should be renamed to “baba-o-reilly.gpp_vst” – and then inside your triton VST — click on the upper right and click on “load gp user preset” to load the patch.

I have the piano in there as well with triads playing when you press on C, B, and B-flat in the upper part of your keyboard – so just change the CFX Concert Grand VST to whatever you use for piano. Let me know if this works for you or not. Also – you may have to fiddle with the channels. I am assuming channel “1” or channel “16”.


Baba-O-Reilly.txt (5.7 MB)

Baba-o-reilly.gig (1.0 MB)


With some spare time, I’ll clean this song/rackspace up – and I’ll document how to use it - then I’ll repost.

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When you repost, instead of posting separate files, please compress them all into a single zip file.
Making a binary file look like a text file usually breaks the file

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Thank you!

Thanks Mike!!

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Here’s a cleaned up GP song and Korg Triton VST patch for Baba-O-Riley. It includes the GP song and the patch to import to the Triton. To do this, 1) open the Triton vst, 2) click upper right Load GP User Preset. Also change the Piano block to whatever you use for piano.

Here’s how I’ve programmed it and what to play:

On your keyboard, play F3, C4, F4, C4 and repeat with your left hand for the main riff.

Interject E5, F5 or D5, E5 in your right hand for the counterpart of the riff

For piano triads, Play C6 (for the F chord), B5 (for the C chord), and Bflat5 (for the Bflat chord).

Note: The midi in blocks are set to midi channel 16.

Baba (621.3 KB)


Thank you, kind sir! :smile:

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Hi Mike

you for
the file. I cannot get it
to open within the VST. I drag the gig file into GP, Click on Triton which open the VST then select user VST. When I try to select the gig file in downloads, it is not highlighted and will not
load. Any ideas?? I’m almost there!!


This is a gig file in zipped format I think.
So unzip it, start gig performer and load it.

Hi Pianopaul:

Thanks for the feedback. A couple of issues:

The gig populates in GP. When I click on the Triton space, triton opens but when asked, will not load the preset. Also, when I hover over the Triton block in the preset, it shows ) Samples. When I replace the plug in with something else, it shows a number (44). Finally, when I press a key on the keyboard, GP shows a signal in but I get no output. I use the same settingd for other gigs in GP and they eack produce output.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


Hi Ron. Can you paste photo or two of the problem you’re having?

Yes. Later today or tomorrow. Onslaught of guests will be arriving soon!!

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Yep. Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with Family and Friends.

@mikelupo, please take a look at the attached screenshots. All of my other gig files have the same audio setup and run fine.

There are no bytes present in the Triton block, but the plug in opens and manaully works.


Hi Ron,
I have never seen the screen you have popped up in the 4th picture. Not sure if that’s some sort of licensing screen for Korg or what. I’m assuming you have a fully licensed copy of the Triton VST (i.e. – not a trial or demo copy).

In your last picture, click on the 3 dots “…” that are directly to the right of “Bypass”. Then a menu should come up with an option to “Load GP User Preset” (the first option). Then click on the extracted file named “baba-o-riley.gpp_vst” to load the preset. Let us know how that fares for you!

regards - Mike