B3 comparison

The plugin has it’s own settings menu.

These values seems to be saved not in the plugin but as PianoPaul mentioned outside the plugin. In my case, GP doesn’t save the changes in this menu, whereas MS and Ableton do save the settings.

Did you try to save different settings in different tracks in ABleton Live?

I think the last save is recalled the next time.

This actually does work in GP as well, but your tests may be different as I found that in certain cases this does not get saved. This is completely a function of the plugin and has nothing to do with the host.

If I drop in say the AudioUnit version of the plugin, then change some of these global settings, close the plugin UI and SAVE the gig, then RELOAD the gig / the setting will be properly saved even if I now use a different version of the plugin (VST3-VST) for example.

Sometimes though if you do things differently the plugin doesn’t save this so please find the steps where this does NOT work and contact the plugin developer to fix it.

I found this:

Yes this setting is save from within GP but ouside of the gig file.

Now when you have to different rackspaces and save different settings, the last saved is recalled in all rackspaces, as this setting is sevae outside.

Can you confirm this?

Strange, because I’m doing exactly the same thing, but in my case, GP doesn’t save the changes value settings

Too bad No, because GP isn’t saving the changed settings (I tested this on two different computers with different gigfiles). But it seems that this problem doesn’t occur @djogon

GP cannot be saving something that plugin saves globally outside a normal plugin state behaviour. It doesn’t have access to it and there is no control over it.

If you sometimes, somewhere else get it to save this stuff - it’s purely coincidental - there’s no special plugin host directive for this. I posted how it worked in my case and it worked every time, but my version of the plugin may be different.

As I said earlier - please contact the plugin developer with the steps to reproduce this plugin issue. We don’t have access to this nor can we change anything that would fix or improve the behaviour of the plugin.


I don’t see it mentioned in the links above (but it is a long thread). But here is a vintage B3 VST which is free - it was designed for lockdown musicians from scratch by a reputable company. Only single manual - but what do you want for the price. I hope its of some use to someone…


As others have said, VB3 has to decide to save those settings and only it knows where and how they’re saved.

One idea to maybe “trick” it into saving the settings is to set them up the way you want, and then within VB3 save a preset. It doesn’t matter what preset. I’m thinking that by pushing VB3 into its “save preset” routine there’s a good chance it will save its settings as well.

Pure speculation, but an easy enough test to run.

Just tested this and it works fine in Windows 7.
Nevertheless here VB3 crashes GP4 in Windows and OSX caused by multiple cases.
Therfor I’ve decided to use Blue3 without the internal leslie and PSP L’otary preset 147.
Totally stable and sounds phantastic to me. Also I can use sustain sw. to hold notes and use aftertouch to change leslie speed! This can’t be done with VB3.

Which version of Blue3 are you using?

But this can be done with Gig Performer :wink:


I’m running Blue3 v2.3.1.
After reading the version history, there is no need for me to update to the last version 2.4.0.

Has anybody got a response from GSi so far? :thinking:

Hi guys, I hope this is not too off topic. Any pointings to a other more suitable threads are very approciated!

I use GSI VB3-II as a plugin within the GP4. When I pull up both Volume and Drive to max then, in silence where I do not play any notes for a long time (no reverb or any other sustaining audio) in my recordings I see a noticible DC offset in the VB3 audio output signal which is only about 14dB lower than the full audio level I get while playing heavey chords using full registration (all drawbars at 8). As soon as I play notes the DC offset seems to vanish (no offset noticible within the audio waves) but when I stop playing it comes back running from to -14dBFS exponentially let say within a fraction of a second. I do not see this when I use the VB3 Standalone Application.

Do you have any idea what causes this? Of course I will also contact GSI but may be you can also help and give me a hint on the reason of this issue? Thanks!


I have no offset in Windows 7 FL Studio or GP4.
But because of other things (see above) and the lousy support I would not recommend VB3 for live use.
So far I’m very disappointed of purchasing this software for 99€. :unamused:

The Leslie, specially the fast speed has improved,
So give it a try.

Take a look at the feedback paramete

What is your oppinion compared to PSP L’otary? :thinking:
The integrated leslie in Blue3 v2.3.1 seems too decent for my needs…
I wouldn’t want to update a system that is working for me, because:
Never change a running system. :wink:

They confirmed the graphics bug and said that there hopefully will be a release later the year…