Audio In: No Guitar/Vocal Audio

Hi, everybody!

I just discovered GP earlier today, and am thrilled to be testing it out! So far, MIDI keys work perfectly, and I’ll be trying out the MIDI In with e-drums soon, but something’s going wrong with the Audio In option for guitars and vocals. I experimented with multiple variables and have determined that the issue is not the guitar, the TRS cable, the audio interface, the USB cable, or the sound settings. I know this because when I strum the guitar, the LED on the audio interface flashes, and the sound settings window on the laptop likewise indicates that it’s receiving the signal. GP recognizes my interface, but unlike the interface and sound settings window, it doesn’t register that it’s receiving a signal when I strum. Where am I going wrong?

Thanks in advance!

It is likely that you don’t have Gig Peformer set up for the right audio interface. Some screen shots on how you have it set up in Gig Performer might be helpful along with the Gig file so we can see how you are attempting to route the audio.


Welcome to the community @fccmld

If you are on the Mac - most likely reason is that you did not give the microphone access permission to Gig Performer. That blocks any audio input to an application os OSX.

Hi @fccmld welcome to the GP community.

Regarding your audio in issue, if you are on Mac @djogon is probably right.

Are you a drummer?

Hi, guys! Thanks for your replies so far. Yes indeed, I’m on a Mac, and I’m a drummer.

I’d certainly be willing to go back into the settings and allow microphone access (as well as include screenshots of all the relevant data), but I’ve encountered a new problem: When I attempted to turn on GP earlier this morning, I was told that my 14-day trial period was over… even though I only activated it about 24 hours ago. As a result, I can’t open up my session to run any further tests.

Hi, can you please open a support ticket.

(there is a procedure for these rare cases)

OK, you should be fine by now.

Please check the Microphone permission and report back if that solved your problem.


That’s an opportunity for me to ask you to test this with your e-drum :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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