Any luck with the metronome denominator?

Yes by mouse and controller, how many months would a functional metronome in Gp be away from

OK, lets do a test.
Please upload your live set and your gig file

clicktraktest.gig (111.3 KB)

wont let me upload the live set, extention prob

What does your controller do in detail?

novation lauchkey, pairs up to abelton, im afraid it may interfere in gp, for instance i use the track button on novation to scroll songs in setlist mode in gp

So you’re launch key is selecting a scene in Ableton Live
Then it selects a rackspace in Gig Performer
and then it triggers the scene?

Try to uncheck “Set time information” in the rackspaces.

Maybe this approach would be better.
Just use a controller for Gig Performer and let do the rest via scripting and M4L

Sync Ableton Live with Gig Performer

It seems the controller , once ableton is active overrides setlist song choice

So all is fine, no issue of Ableton Live and Gig Performer?

No, I can’t scroll songs in setlist with controller with ableton open

Soon as I close ableton song choice is restored in Gp

I am lost.
You said your Controller is interfering.

What do you want to achieve?

I want the metronome in ableton until one is available on Gp, but have to control scenes with the controller to get the 6/8 time signature out of ableton , Gp can do 4/4. The controller has 2 modes , 1 for ableton , and other basic mode…, I want to be able to switch ableton on via play button on controller , but in controller mode I can’t use it for setlist song scroll in Gp. Is there a way if I change songs in Gp , it will change scenes in ableton ( even a simple scroll up/down )

take a look at this

oh I see , you’ve already done this without iPad I think, il try it