Please try with replacing 1 by 0 in the last send command
sorry don`t work
How looks the script?
to explain: the channel on SQ6 is muted if the GP Button is switched, the Channel is unmuted with Version 1. Second Version with change from 1 to 0 makes the same …
Did you compile the script?
Should work, according to the midi implementation.
Do you see the midi device as midi in for the sQ6?
You could include this midi in plugin in the rackspace and then you should see the messages sent from sq6 in the global midi monitor window.
Did you compile the script? - yes
Is that coming from the sq6 when you unmute the channel on the sq6?
Please uncheck showing midi out in the global midi monitor window and mute unmute on your sq6.
Did you include the midi in plugin for sq6?
Ok, what did you do on the SQ6?
According to the midi implementation the code should work.
Please put the if before the last send command and send the value 1 or 0 depending on the widget value.
If newValue > 0.5 then
send 1
send 0
what am i doing wrong?
Remove send 1
Replace send 0 with the line sendnow…
And copy the code line after then and make midimessage with the parameter 0 instead of 1
Remove the First if statement and the last end