Advanced Song Chooser extension

For lazy ones ( :laughing: ), here it is:


Maybe I am missing something here, but I don’t use setlists and when I load up a new song this takes about 30 seconds to a minute until all Plugins are loaded, but the Demo Video suggests that you have a kind of seamless instant switching between songs.

When you do not use setlist how are you loading a song?

Manually via the Open File Menu

A song is part of a setlist, I do not understand

Yes, but I think most users use a setlist which contains their songs while I manually load a song with the File Open Command.

Yes, the extension is an alternative way to navigate your songs. It doesn’t impact loading speed

What I like about it is that you can see all your songs within Gig Performer without the need to create a setlist. Maybe I will give the free basic version a try.

There is allways a setlist.
The default is called
All Songs


ZappaFrank, so you use an empty Gig file and load up each song when you use it?

Do you have a concern about insufficient ram? (They way you work would definitely not work for me).

I guess you know this. But, if the songs (an accompanying rackspaces) are already in the Gig File, they will all load on start up and you will have instantaneous access to them, assuming you are not using Predictive Loading.

If you are using Predictive Loading, you can function with less ram (and shorter start up time) and a specified number of songs (in a setlist) or rackspaces (if you do not use set list mode) will be available instantaneously.

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Thank you for your advice. Every time I need a new song I have to open a new Guitar Pro File, a new UAD Session File and a new Gig File. So I got used to that even when there exist ways to speed up loading time in Gig Performer. Bad habits :wink:

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I have possibly not explained it fully. When, in my video, I said I don’t use a set list playing live, I mean we don’t play to a set order of songs. I still have a set list in Gig Performer which lists every song we currently play. What my extension does is give you the ability to jump around the set list in an ad-hoc manner either by your own choice or by following the mid-song instructions from your band leader.

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I always load all songs into memory when I start Gig Performer. The switching is seamless because all rackspaces are already loaded.


Thank you for clarification!

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Very cool! How do you switch to different song parts?

The extension doesn’t handle that as I use 4 dedicated buttons on my pad controller (Akai MPD226) mapped in the usual way within GP to always switch between song parts 1-4.

I see, but I thought you said when you use it, it covers the entire screen for you. Does that mean you do not see which song part you switch to?

That is correct. The button on my controller lights momentarily when I press it, so I know I have selected the song part.


The extension doesn’t offer anything for switching song parts as I have always felt you can handle this perfectly OK with GP’s standard features (mapping controller buttons via widgets). However, I am always open to feature suggestions.