Adding sounds to rackspace

I am a band director and a lot of our marching band shows use wav files to create the sound fx needed for the show. How do I upload a sound fx file(s) to GP to be able to add it to my rackspace?

You would insert either the Audio File Player plugin or the Streaming Audio File Player plugin into your rackspace (preferably the global rackspace, depending on your usage) and then load the wav files into one of those players. They are located in the main plugin list under Internal Plugins > Media Players.

Ok, I have added the audio file player to the rackspace. I have added my wav file to the media player. I added an audio mixer and connected it to my audio out, however, my keyboard won’t play the sound. Keep in mind I am on the trial version.

Well, you still have to trigger the sound - did you play it manually which you would normally do using a widget connected to your controller.
Can you post a screenshot of your wiring diagram and a screen shot of the audio file player?

That won’t matter.

All the above said, if you have a lot of samples that you want to trigger, you might find it more convenient to use one of the free sample players out there that automatically respond to note messages, just to make it easier to get started, then you don’t need to worry about configuring widgets right from the start.

Basically I am trying to figure out if I can use GP much like most band directors use Mainstage on a Macbook. I am NOT a mac user and would prefer to use a PC. That is why I am trying this out first.

Well, you’d be surprised by the number of band directors on Mac who are switching to GP!

Can you please double-click on your audio mixer and on the audio player and provide screen shots of those opened windows?

I’ve been happy with the free one from here: Sitala - Drum Sampler Plugin

I use it for a similar purpose. Sound effects in songs.

For example, the glass breaking at the beginning of You May Be Right (BIlly Joel), Jets sounds on Back in the USSR, the laugh at the beginning of Hungry Like the Wolf (Duran, Duran), Laugh in Situation (Yaz), Sound of photograph being taken in FreezeFrame (J. Geils Band), etc.



Good to know — I still use Kontakt since I have a license but I do know there are lots of decent free ones out there.

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The sampler would be great if I only had 16 sounds, but my shows usually use 20 or more sound fx as one-shots or voices for the synthesizer.

Does Kontakt allow you to input VST sounds as well as WAV sounds?

You can load multiple instances of the same plugin for additional multiples of 16.


On Sitala I think I can load a different sample on every key of the keyboard(s). {And you can use multiple instances).

Hello Troy and welcome to our community. :wave:

Maybe something similar that one of Gig Performer power users designed may be useful to you – see here: 8X Soundboard / Just play samples, sounds and loops with 8 pads