About saving a setlist

I duplicated the setlist “All songs” and renamed it, let’s say “Setlist 1”. When I change anything in one of the songs and want to quit, GP asks if I want to save setlist “All songs”. I don’t understand this.

When I save it, with all of the changes I made, what is the easiest or best way to make a new setlist for performance 2, and name it “Setlist 2” ?

Where are the files of a setlist being stored in Windows 11?

Just create a new SetList and include the songs you need.
In the dialog window you get a list of songs and by typing in the songname the list is automatically reduced and with the enter key the selected song is included in the set list,
The window with the song list stays open so you can include songs very fast.
I do that all the time.

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Paul knows more than me…

But, I would be hesitant to mess around with the “All Songs” “setlist”. I think of it as different than setlists I create. It is every song in the gig file. I think of it is a default that should not be tweaked.

I would always create a new setlist and then work from there. Paul is suggesting that too.


By the way, I love this mixer template, which I use on pretty much every rackspace. Love it!

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Dont mess with the “All Songs”-list. Well apparently I did, because when I wanted to make a new setlist I found all my songs twice in the list to choose from. I fixed that and followed your advice making a brand new setlist, which went smoothly.
I began to practice for our next gig in 2 weeks (de Piek in Vlissingen). I noticed a glitch every 5 or 10 minutes. For a second silence, and then the last played note before the glitch kept playing like it was triggered by a sustain pedal. Any suggestions about this or should I maybe start a new topic?

Please Start a new topic

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