Vst click metronome

This I did:

Created a song
Tempo 120 Time Signature 6/8
Override global tempo is enabled

Ableton Live
Tempo 96
Time Signature 6/8

Link Activated in Ableton and then in Gig Performer
Start Ableton Live => Tempo is set to 96 in Gig performer, Time Signature in Gig Performer stays at 6/8

  1. Ableton LIVE Scene #2 is 6/8, 88 BPM
  2. GP Song #2 key is set to C, Tempo 120.00 Time/Sig 6/8 (Tempo not important)
  3. GP Song #2 Override global tempo REQUIRED
  4. LINK NOT activated in Ableton or GP
  5. Start the scene in Ableton LIVE
  6. Ableton LIVE tracks are streaming and GP Song #2 is selected
  7. The Metronome in GP starts
  8. All is good!!

Thanx Paul

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