VSL Synchron Pianos parameters in GP

Just curious if anyone else is working with this software in GP as I can’t get a couple things linked between GP and the Synchron Piano player software. Basic things like the “Soft” pedal button on the front of the Synchron interface. When I create a button in GP and try to assign it to the button on the Synchron Piano player, it won’t learn it from the learn function, and I don’t see the parameter anywhere in the list. I know that VSL has that button preprogrammed to a midi CC#, but I don’t see a way to assign a particular midi CC# to a button or any other widget in GP. I feel like I may be missing something, because it seems pretty basic, but I have really tried. I know the reverse can be done, assigning a midi CC to a physical controller to control a GP parameter, but I can’t seem to figure out how to just send a midi CC# from GP to the Synchron Piano Player. Any help or work-arounds would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

If there’s no parameter doesn’t exist then there’s nothing to learn

MIDI In blocks expose these as parameters

Soft/Una Corda (CC67), Sostenuto (CC66) and Sustain (CC64) are usually not exposed as parameters, probably for historical reasons, as they are send by piano pedal controllers. So, as mentioned by @dhj, the idea would be for you to map the CC67 parameter of the MIDI in block plugin connected to you Piano plugin and it will do the job.

Hey, thanks so much guys. I’ll check that out!