Various problems encountered in GP4

  • While testing GP4, I encounter a problem with the display of all the panels, with overlaps and gaps between widgets. Below is an example:

  • I didn’t understand the input muting function, I don’t hear any difference in a rackspace change no matter how long the input muting tail, the instrument or audio file playing,… can anyone tell me more ?

For my understandung input muting is for signals coming from the audio interface input.

I know, you will have to tweak a bit most of the GP3 rackpanels (especially the shape widgets) to make them fit the new GP4 resizable rackpanels. Once done, they will look perfect whatever the resolution or window resizing which was not always the case with GP3.


We improved the widget layout a lot in GP4 and, sometimes, that can result in widgets from GP3 gig files being slightly moved. Once you fix it in GP4 they stay rock-solid where you put them regardless of resizing.

The Audio input muting is relevant only if you use a real audio source like a guitar. It controls how long is that signal processed in a rackspace when you leave it.

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Ok, understood: in order to hear the input muting tail, the output fading tail must have at least the same lenght. This will be very useful to me as a guitarist (and it is very nice to hear too).
I greatly appreciate it :grinning:

One odd thing - I installed and authorized GP4 on 6/1 and played around with it a bit that day. I haven’t had much of a chance to use it again until last night, but when I opened it up, it required me to authorize it again. Maybe a glitch somewhere…I’ll report back if that happens again.

What is 6/1?

June 1st :slight_smile:

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Did an OS update happen in the interim?

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YES! Totally forgot about that…problem solved.