UVI releases Falcon 3

What would incent me to buy Falcon? If it got “unified” for Unify by PluginGuru (John “Skippy” Lemkuhl).

Oh, crap. I just checked the Unify (Standard Edition) webpage. Falcon v2.5 has been unified. Aw hell, what’s 200 €, when I just spent 3800 € on a Tim Commerford Ernie Ball Music Man short scale Stingray bass (#23 of 50) and 1500 € on a Valiant Guitars 27" Mini Bass from Ukraine?

Ex #3 is LONG gone, so no one to tell me “no”. :guitar: :wink:

Falcon v3 purchased and installed.

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How would you rate the “bread&butterness” of the plugin? :smiley:
I think i will anyway wait for the next month (=money) to arrive, but yeah… most probably i will purchase it too. The offer is just too good.
BTW: Yesterday i got an offer from Steinberg to promote their new web shop (up to 60% discount on a few products), which brought me a Wavelab Elements for just 50€, which is a really nice price and should be sufficient for occasional editing.

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What the hell happened to your good resolutions? :face_with_monocle:

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That’s an important part of the question… don’t you own it for testing this?

Just another G.A.S. attack. The BOGO deal for expansions got me, too. Four for the price of two. But stupidly, when I added the four expansions I wanted to the cart, they weren’t discounted. I had to buy Falcon, the another order for two expansions, then a third order for the other two expansions. Sheesh. Where’s the Pepto-Bismol when I need it. :rofl:


And you didn’t use the 100 euros voucher which comes when you bought Falcon?

No. Each of the expansion purchases was $39. Didn’t want to waste the voucher on that. I didn’t see an expiration date on the voucher, so I’ll save it for the time being.

@themaartian perhaps you could also give it a try as you now Falcon with several additional expansion banks? :nerd_face:

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Searching for a preset in an expansion bank in Falcon 3 worked perfectly for me.

Note that the first time (this time) that I did a search, Falcon (re)scanned all of my expansions (banks and instruments) automatically.

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Well… i also just pulled the trigger for Falcon 3. :innocent:
What can i say? It surely offers a lot of nice synthetic sounds, but i really miss the natural sounding ones, where i am pretty sure that this monster is able to produce them.
Maybe i will find an expansion for this… guess i will bury the 100€ voucher in that grave. :thinking:

A positive thing to mention is, that Falcon 3 seems to be quite modest on CPU demands. That’s nice!

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Out of the box, its’s mostly synthesizer stuff. However, because it also is a sampler, it will also run the sample-based libraries on their site, such as pianos, orchestral, etc. (though I think you could also use UVI Workstations for this as well).


Search works very well with the expansion banks. Almost like it’s all one big instrument, like with the NI browser.