Using Variations with Different VST Patches/Settings?

I am a keyboard player, looking for the most efficient way to setup my rackspaces to reduce gig file size and load time. I use the same (two) MIDI controllers on each gig, but with a different combination of VST3 plugins for each song. I primarily use the Arturia V Collection, SampleTank, IK B-3X, Xpand2, and Hydra 3 plugins.

So although my setup is pretty static, I use different instruments and patches for each song. Even on tunes that use a basic AP and B3, I may use different parameters, like for reverb, chorus, or drawbar setttings. Can I use variations to minimize the number of distinct rackspaces, or do variations require that all plugin settings remain identical and only the widget settings can differ? If I have to create a unique rackspace for each song, my gig file is gonna get big (and slow).

Songs and song parts?

Yes, I am creating songs and using song parts particularly for medleys. However, we rarely have a set list for a particular gig and just call out songs randomly. So I have to be able to pick any song from our list on demand.

Yes but you can use songs to reuse rackspaces

True, however for the majority of our songs I need a unique combination of patch settings even if using the same VST plugins. My example above of a basic AP and B3 rackspace, but with a different reverb setting on the piano and different drawbar settings on the B3. The only way I know to accomplish that is by creating a new rackspace. Is there another way?

When you have a basic rackspace with your “stock” sound - say an electric piano - you could then add widgets that control certain aspects of that instrument. You can now create variations on the instrument by moving the buttons to create some “presets” you can use in your song parts.

Now if you still want to tweak your sound just for a single song part for example - you simply tweak the widgets to your liking and press the little “Save” icon on the top of the rackspace panels. A light will then be lit showing that you’ve override the variation and you can click on “compare” to see what you changed.

This way - you can end up with one rackspace per your basic sound and use variations and these overrides to have different things elsewhere.

Thank you, djogon! That approach will work for my example with the AP/B3 config, in that widgets can be created for effects and drawbars. What is less clear to me is how to use a widget to select an instrument, say within SampleTank. I’m not sure that can be widget-ized? So in that case, it would require a separate rackspace.

Your idea will save me several rackspaces however and is worth pursuing. I will report back once I play around with the rackspace widget “save” feature. Still new to GP and exploring all of the many options.

Thanks @bpeterson. I certainly would not switch patches in SampleTank on the fly. Several reasons, but most importantly - time lag and stability issues.

I would suggest you use separate rackspaces for different sounds anyway.

Makes sense. Thank you!!