Using NPRNs?


First post here… I’m currently using GP in Trial mode (I’m a former user of the now dead Brainspawn Forte host). So far, looks great. One thing I’m trying to figure out & could use some help with…

My controller is a Hammond SKX. It has octave buttons that can take either keyboard (independently) up or down by 1 or 2 octaves. This only affects the Local sound engine though. For MIDI it sends out NPRN info. e.g. for an octave down command from the top keyboard, it sends the following:

CC 99 Non-registered Parameter (coarse): 7 Channel 1
CC 98 Non-registered Parameter (fine): 7 Channel 1
CC 6 Data Entry (course): 63 Channel 1

Is there a way I can take this info and have it control a widget in the Global Rackspace that shifts the corresponding octave ranges for either keyboard the way it does for Local control?

thanks in advance,


Hi @mcgooze and welcome to the GP “family”!

I recall this other thread about using NRPNs… (and an Hammond?)

Hope I’m too optimistic, but I think its possible :wink:

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Hi @mcgooze, welcome to the GP Community. @keyman is right, here is what you need to start doing what you want. I hope this will help:

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Thanks @keyman & @brandon! I’ll give that a try & let you know how it goes. I’m kinda laughing at myself for not even really knowing the program that well yet & people are trying to get me to start writing code in it!

ahaha, that’s just a fraction of what to expect from this community :wink:
Best! and have fun…

Ha! Bring it on. I’m a glutton for punishment! Jokes aside, I’m pretty blown away by Gig Performer. Seems much more intuitive, versatile & stable than Forte… and I loved that host (RIP).