Does anyone know if you can take HALion One from Cubase 5 and use it in GP? If so, could someone talk me through it? I’ve been trying, but can’t get it to work
Do you see Halion in Plugin Manager of Gig Performer?
I think halion one is a proprietary instrument in cubase and not a vst.
Try to use Halion Sonic
No, I don’t
So it is clear you cannot use the version of halion
You can try using GP Relayer to send MIDI from GP to play halion on a Cubase track
I think he wants the opposite, playing Halion in GP, otherwise it would play Halion directly in Cubase…
This version of Halion seems to be proprietary for Cubase.
Yes, that what he want, but halion cannot be loaded out of Cubase.
So my suggestion is to treat the running instance of a ‘Cubase with a loaded Halion’ as an external unit/synth and so GP can play into it using the Relayer.
It can also receive the audio back using the same method (with a small latency).
No! DAWs often come with proprietary plugins that can’t be used with other DAWs. That’s why I personally avoid using any of the proprietary plugins in Logic or Digital Performer when I work with them.
By the way GP is no different in this sense. For example, the Streaming Audio File Player, the MIDI File Player, ChordMaker, MIDI In/Out blocks, the AutoSampler and many others are all technically VST plugins but they cannot be used in other DAWs.
I was thinking of a solution without opening Cubase, So you need to use Cubase simultaneously, which is a way around the problem but doesn’t allow you to use it without Cubase…
Yes, as with other software, plug-ins or brands other than Presonus (Avid, Reaper, Slate Digital, Ableton, FL Studio, etc).
However,there are a few alternatives: Presonus has produced a selection of Studio One Native plug-ins in VST3, AAX and AU formats for use in other DAWs (via the Presonus Hub).
Also Reaper plug-ins in JSFX format can be wrapped in VST.
Perhaps other alternatives exist, but it’s all very limited.
Yes, but it has some nice benefits — if you just think of Cubase (or whatever DAW) as a “server”, then you have access to plugins that are running (probably) on a different core, which can be very beneficial. Of course, that’s true when you use multiple instances of GP, and GP Relayer makes it easy to leverage that functionality
I’ve always been systematically in favour of saving resources at any cost, ever since I started out in music on Z80A PCs - 3.5 MHz - 32 KB RAM, but it’s true that with today’s machines + GP, I should perhaps try to get used to this old habit…