Using GigPerformer as low latency instrument to record in Cubase


I was watching Decap’s youtube video today Ableton Zero Latency Tracking with GigPerformer major cheat code! 🤯 - YouTube

Immediately I went to the homepage and downloaded the trial version, but for some reason I have issues recreating it in Cubase Pro 12.

From what I saw in the video he is basically using GigPerformer as a rack to host VST instruments at very low latency to record the audio on audio tracks in Ableton (pretty much latency free).

I have this little setup just to replicate it:

Basically I’m trying to host Komplete Kontrol in GigPerformer at a very low latency and then record that into Cubase on the Inputs 3/4. I was messing around with everything and I am pretty sure it worked earlier, but for some reason I don’t get any audio in Cubase and I have no idea what I did to make it break.

Can anybody share some light on what I am missing here?

Well, looking at this screenshot and your description, I assume that you have your audio interface configured so that anything being sent OUT on channels 1/2 are arriving back into your interface on channels 3/4. Is that correct?

That said, on a Mac, I prefer to use the Blackhole virtual driver and route audio from GP to my DAW without going through digital to audio and back to digital again.

I’m using a more sophisticated app called Loopback, but I just can’t seem to make this work. It seems like there is nothing transmitted between the output and the input

Loopback is great but not for this as it introduces latency. Blackhole doesn’t.

As for no sound, have you verified that GP’s output meters are flashing to make sure it’s actually producing output? And have you given GP permission to access the audio interface.

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I can’t seem to find a way to give GP access to my audio interface

In the Mac world it’s called “microphone” → Before you start

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Ok that I allowed. Gonna try if I can make it work with Black Hole

Asking again?

Yes, they are. I also can hear it

Which version of BlackHole do I get? Is 2 channels enough ?

Ok…so that eliminates GP as one of the issues.

My bet is that Blackhole will work very well for you. I use that myself when recording in my studio…

That depends on how many discrete channels you want send to your DAW? If it’s simply a stereo stream, the 2ch will do just fine.

I got it working with Blackhole now. Thanks for the help


Enjoy Gig Performer! :slight_smile:

worth to mention here: since the update to GP 4.5, has GP also an onboard recording feature.

i map the REC buttun to my HW Midi controller, and find that approach to do recordings even better working for me. Its so simple, so quick, and works so “on the fly”.
so, i would record from GP, just using it standalone. No other app involved.
The file is then to find in GPs “recording” folder. Then drag it from there, to where you need it.

To notes here: allways set up the recording setup in GP BEVORE using such HW controlled -on the fly- approach. (settings will remain, per GP instance)

especially to notes:
working this way, you can vary => what exactly gets recorded !
Example: record *without" Reverb or other stuff like comps etc,
but listen to the full deal while playing. ( with sayed low latency :wink: )
One can also create a multitrack recording.
record it wet, record it dry, etc. at the same time ( just: all has to be routed to outputs within GP, thats it (plus the settings to do) / its very simple to understand ).

Well, with GP, you could do the same “dry” recording (-while listening wet-) approach as easy, while sending “the dry” to the DAW.
But GP “intern-REC” wins, when several setup variations should be recordet in one take.

We´re free, finally. :laughing:

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Hello there! I have been scouring the internet in search of answers to the same question you had… I’d like to record output(s) from Gig Performer in Cubase 12 Pro, but for the life of me can’t quite get the routing/setup right. I’ve downloaded the 16 channel version of Blackhole, but can’t quite get around the fact Cubase doesn’t allow one to use separate input and output devices. Any guidance on how you were able to get this to work would be profoundly appreciated!


Hi @Nikhil. In the Mac ‘Audio MIDI Setup’ utility app, you would need to create an ‘Aggregate Device’. You then add both your interface and the blackhole to this device, which will show up as a new interface in GP/Cubase.

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Thank you so much for your response! I actually recently got to where I figured out that I would have to set up an aggregate device… unfortunately, that’s where I still stumble. I have aggregated my interface, blackhole, (and my Mac microphone as per the guidance on the blackhole website - not sure it that’s actually necessary for what I’m trying to do, though)…

I’m just not sure at that point how to configure audio in GigPerformer or in Cubase. I tried setting both audio connections to the aggregate device, but I’m still unsure how to get the audio output from GigPerformer into an input connection in Cubase. I’m usually reasonably competent with this kind of stuff, but not this time lol… I am relatively new to Macs, so maybe that’s part of the problem.

Anyway, if there’s anything you can do to spell this out to me like I’m 5, I’d really appreciate it! :slightly_smiling_face:

You won’t need to add the microphone. If GP has the Aggregate Device as its output, then you can route a stereo connection in Wiring view to the Blackhole channels 1 and 2. If you hover your mouse over the output port connections it should confirm which ones are the blackhole ones (e.g. the number of output ports on your actual interface + 1).

You would still run wires to you actual interface ports to hear the output in your speakers/headphones.

Then, in Cubase, you’d have to arm/record on these same blackhole ports. Often, DAWs will also show the channel names, so you can easily identify the blackhole ones.