Using Gig Performer with Cubase and OBS?


I’m seriously considering buying Gig Performer but have a few questions. I’ve recently built a new PC and have moved away from Apple OSX computers for when I am in the studio and I am missing a couple of plugins that I relied upon heavily. Rogue Amoeba’s Audio HiJack and Loopback.

I have often made videos using OBS and using Loopback to route any audio signal internally was a godsend. I’m struggling to find an alternative and thought Gig Performer could be the thing that can possibly do what I need.

My main DAW is Cubase and I need to be able to route the audio from Cubase into OBS. I also want to route the audio from my UA Apollo Twin X Interface so I can record a mic live (and using its dsp UA plugins before it goes into OBS as the monitoring is excellent). I also want to be able to route applications such as YouTube (web browsers), Spotify, iTunes, UE5, Unity, Wwise (many other things) that I could easily do with Loopback.

Is there anyone here with experience doing this kind of thing that uses Gig Performer or any tutorials about that I could be put onto to see if Gig Performer is for me?

Many thanks


Useful articles:

Check out VB-Audio’s VB-Cable and Voicemeeter apps. VB-Cable is a simple audio router. The Voicemeeter apps provide a lot of capabilities.

VB-Audio’s VB-Cable

VB-Audio’s Voicemeeter

There are several videos on YouTube covering the subject, even one specifically about Cubase and OBS using Voicemeeter.