Using a MIDI arpeggiator plugin to trigger a MIDI sequence?

Hi all,

So this is quite a specific use-case here, so I’m not sure what kind of responses I’ll get - I have a MIDI arpeggiator plugin that I’m using to trigger an 8-beat sequence every time I hit the C1 pad on my midi keyboard.

So, I THINK I’ve set up the arpeggiator just fine… when I launch the GP file, and go that song, it’s fine, and performs the way I need it to. HOWEVER - if I switch to THAT song in the setlist, the arpeggiator flips out and starts to play that 8 beat sequence over and over again, and I can’t stop it unless I bypass either the MIDI plugin or the VST that it’s going to. This obviously cannot happen live. haha.

I guess, my question is (because I don’t expect anyone to troubleshoot this arp plugin for me), is there another approach I can take to launching an 8-beat sequence when I hit a pad, rather than using this plugin? I’m assuming the issue is arising from the plugin itself, and not something weird with Gig Performer, it just starts spitting out MIDI and I can’t stop it unless I Bypass the thing.

Incidentally, I’m using BlueArp for the MIDI plugin.

I must also specify that I’m relatively new to GP5, so go easy on me :slight_smile:

The people on this forum are rather nice :grinning:

Things that I would try:

  • Check if it’s also playing when the MIDI input of the plugin is not connected
  • Connect a MIDI Monitor to the same source to which the plugin is connected and see if there’s a c1 coming from elsewhere
  • Check whether if the MIDI-in omni block is used. Better use a specific one
  • Is the playhead started (somewhere at the top, next to the bpm)? Maybe the plugin starts automatically with the start of the playhead.

If there is a trial version of the plugin I can look into it tonight (that’s in about 10 hours from now).

You can speed up the debugging of this by uploading a minimum gig file which shows the issue

If it is a predefined sequence of 8 beats, I’d use the integrated MIDI file player.
A widget can be mapped to the play button and a note can be mapped to turn on the widget.

Would you please explain the difference between “when I launch the GP file, and go that song” and “if I switch to THAT song”?

I remember some trouble (aka “side effects”) in the beginning when I started to use BlueArp. AU/VST behaved slighly different in one of the past versions:

What versions are you using in your rackspaces?

WOW! I guess I’m NOT the only one that tries to do this cooky sh1t. hah!

So, before I answer the separate questions, I THINK I found a workaround in the BlueARP, but now I must say my faith in it has crumbled a bit. Wondering if I should just go with @Florian 's suggestion and use a MIDI file player (I didn’t know that existed). That really makes a lot of sense to me and seems far more fail-safe. With every move I make in GP5, my first thought is - how dependable will this be in a live setting?

So within the SETTINGS menu of BlueArp, there is a “SUSTAIN MSG” option within the MIDI FILTERS section. For sh1ts and giggles, I tried to set this to “ignore”… and so far, that has cured it. I’m not 100% sure why, I don’t even have a sustain pedal hooked up, or assigned ANYWHERE in any song in GP5.

Typically I default to VST unless the VST version is proving to be problematic.

So, I NEVER use MIDI Omni for fear that something will inadvertently send MIDI messages. I always disable all MIDI channels on my MIDI block except the one I’m using.

I will check the playhead thing too, that’s an interesting notion.

MIDI In OMNI in GP actually means something else. It means that it will receive messages from ANY device. It does NOT however maps all incoming messages to channel 1 (say) though you can explicitly do that if you want.

I just did a test, but neither vst 2 or vst 3 (Windows) did ‘auto trigger’, So I think if you still have this issue, you upload an example with the ‘KeysOfThe70s’ plugin. Then I can check that out.

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I am using Blue Arp and don’t have any real issues with it (once I had worked through it’s quirks). I am wondering is this is actually a stuck note on issue?

So when you switch back to the song the note (arp) is still playing.

YOU’RE RIGHT DUDE! And I just realized this when I went to use my sustain pedal and it didn’t work! Looks like I’m using MIDI Omni for all those piano parts I need sustain pedal for. Look at that, I just learned something the hard way. haha!

Thanks for the reply.

I kind of was wondering if it was a stuck on note issue. Is there a workaround in GP5 for stuck notes? Or some kind of preventative maintenance that can be done in regards to that? Sorry, my GP5 n00b is coming out again.

The best I can offer is use Note On filter in the MIDI In Block to disable the MIDI In rather than using Bypass, this will allow Note Off events to still pass through when switching variations or song parts.

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