Undo - not that helpful?

Loving GigPerformer! However I find the ‘undo’ feature rarely gives me the ability to undo what I need.

As an example, I often find myself accidentally deleting a rackspace instead of a variation (when I’m moving quickly). I try to undo, but it says there is nothing to undo, which means I can’t bring back the rackspace I accidentally deleted. Therefore I need to quit and reopen from the last save point (which means I could have lost a bunch of changes) or if I’m lucky I would have exported just that rackspace as a backup.

I often find myself in other situations where Undo has not been able to save me from deletions of things or other changes. I’m hoping that maybe there could be an update where the Undo function is a little more useful, and can actually undo previous commands? :slight_smile:

Thanks so much! :slight_smile:


I just saw on this thread that Undo is only implemented on the Panel view:

Is there scope to implement this in the Wiring view in an upcoming update? It would be HUGELY beneficial, as every now and then one wrong move can undo hours of work…

Thank you! :slight_smile:

We strongly advise you to make a regular backup when working in editing mode.
In my case, it’s about every 5 minutes.
If I try to make changes that won’t necessarily be validated, I save under the same name by incrementing a number.
This quickly becomes an automatic process that I don’t consider to be a waste of time or one manipulation too many.

And even if the Undo option is implemented in GP, the problem will still arise in any case other than the Panel or Wiring windows.
Using regular saving, in the case of the Wiring window, one click on Revert rackspace to last saved version = one click on undo :wink:

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Hey Hermon! Thanks for that!

I do regularly save, but I think it’s missing the point… Undo works great in Panel mode, but has little to no function in the Wiring view. Something simple like disconnected a wiring, or shift clicking a plugin into a path and it accidentally grabbing wires from another plugin path, or accidental redoing of all MIDI In blocks to match, or deleting a plugin by accident etc.

Just little things that can occur, having SOME sort of Undo function would benefit so many people, as a little mouse slip or wrong keyboard shortcut or something can have catastrophic effects.

I’m all for regular backups, and that’s what I have to keep doing anyway. It just seems like a workaround (i.e. reloading rackspaces from backups) for something that is essentially standard in all software, and would be beneficial to all users! :slight_smile:

It’s certainly a bit annoying to have to reload a rackspace and redo several manipulations because you’ve accidentally made a wrong one.
Even a simple one-level Undo would be a handy little extra. :+1:

We’re agreed that I wasn’t talking about reloading a saved rackspace but about using the “Revert rackspace to last saved version” function? saving and then reloading a rackspace requires several operations (opening/closing windows), whereas Save Gig requires a single but frequent click and, when needed, “Revert” in the Rackspace menu also only requires a single click.

In lieu of a robust Undo function, I would like to forward the suggestion of an “Auto-save” with an adjustable timer and an
on/off toggle box. That would have saved my behind a few times!

What happens when you forget to turn this off and you’re in the middle of a show?


OK, got me hmm… :confused: