Understanding 'Initial Value on Gig Load' and Variations

Hi all - here’s something I’m not getting and I hope you can help :slight_smile:
In my gig file I have widgets where the initial value on gig load was set to ‘This value’. Now I have started to explore using variations. Changing the value of the widget in a specific variation then saving the gig file does not save the changed value of the widget in that variation (although swapping variations before saving and quitting changes the value of the widget as expected). The only way I can get the variations to save updated widget values is to:
Switch the initial value on gig load to ‘Last Saved’
Adjust the widget
Save the gig file
Close the gig file
Open the gig file
Switch the initial value on gig load back to ‘this value’
Save the gig file

Only then all is well - but nothing appears to have changed as the setting is back where I started. Can anyone explain this - I assume it’s me not interpreting the manual correctly as usual :joy:

Thanks in advance

Did you set the property “Ignore Variations” for that widget?

No - ‘Ignore Variations’ is not enabled

can you upload a small gig file, so I could check the issue?

Thanks for the offer :slight_smile: After a little testing I cannot replicate the issue in any GP file I build from scratch - it only seems to affect my main file. I have copied and pasted an affected panel into this file and the issue remains. The difference between the behaviour of fader 1 and fader 8 illustrates the issue. Change the value of fader 1 in the 2nd variation, save the file, re-open, the changes aren’t saved. Fader 8 works as expected.
testbed.gig (459.5 KB)

I just had a look at your gig file…
as far as i can say, the widgets react exactly as the are set.
Fader 8 is set to “Last saved” which means it remembers its last state when the gig file was saved.
Fader 1 is set to “This value: 50” (on load) which means, as soon as the gig file is loaded, this fader will go to 50% - this is set for both variations(!).
So on load of the gig file both variations will be set to 50%, no matter what value was set or saved before. That’s how this option is inteneded to work.
If you want to have a diffrent “on-load” setting for fader 1, then set the new value, enter edit mode, go to the value tab and use the “copy current” button to copy the currently set value as the new “on load default” for this variation (other variations will stay unaffected).
2024-09-30 10_53_49-testbed
Have a look at the content in brackets after “Initial value on gig load”… it’s the name of affected/current variation!

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Thanks for explaining - that’s very helpful - I guess a level of complexity I wasn’t expecting! Thinking about it in light of your comments I suppose I was assuming all worked as if they were set to ‘last saved’ as I was was adjusting the levels per variation and saving the gig file expecting that to do the trick - it’s clear to me now that this is only the case if a widget is actually set to ‘last saved’ (lol)

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That “Initial value on load” might be used most of the times to prevent accidential changes to a “safe” set up, so that everything stays the same with each start.
You could maybe set everything to “last saved” and then never save your gig when you’re finished your gig/playing… but that’s probably not very safe.

Yes - good point. I would prefer to use ‘This value’ for safety as you say, but in my case what I would like to do is make changes to the many widgets in my gig file, then save that as a variation. My only choice therefore is to use ‘Last Saved’ as going through every single widget to update ‘this value’ with ‘copy current’ is impractical. Unless there is a 'Copy current value to all widgets set to ‘This Value’ ’ option hiding somewhere? If not a feature request unless I’m the only person to use GP this way…

No, you can keep using explicit initial value on load, look at page 43 of the manual:

You can right click on a panel and choose ‘Update Initial Explicit Values” to keep the value you changed, then of course you have to save.

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Thanks for translating my rubbish description into Gig Performer language - that’s exactly what I was looking for :slight_smile:

OK - given the options how could I work the following scenario?
In Variation 1 I make some changes to one or more of the widgets
I change to Variation 2
I change back to Variation 1 but want the widgets to be as saved not where they were last moved to.
Any option I try seems to temporarily save any updates to widget value(s) at each variation (without me explicitly saving anything) until I reload the gig file.

I think that resetting widgets to their saved “default values” by variation change is not possible, of course one could do that with a bit of GP-Script, but then every widget had to be given a handle name and also had to be defined in the script. Not very flexible after all.
Another possibility could be the use of the setlist view with songparts.
They reference to rackspace variations and always remember their state when activated - even if you decide to dial the widgets while playing, as soon as a new songpart is activated (and also its corresponding rackspace variation), the widgets will be set to what has been defined in the variation! That would be the “right” way to achieve what you were asking for.

There is an option to “Also Reset on Rackspace Activation” and I already requested to the devs one to “Also Reset on Variation Activation”. This is exactly what you would need and me too, but for the moment, we don’t have this possibility.


I also think this would be a useful addition to the existing options.


What exactly should such a reset do? Do you want to define explicit values a widget for each variation?

Exactly, you leave a variation with some changes and when you come back to it widgets are reset to original values. For the moment if you want this behavior you have to leave the current Rackspace and come back to it, which is not always convenient. e.g. it doesn’t work seamlessly using next/prev actions when switching variations.

It’s about having an option in panel view to have widgets in variations behave the same way like they do in songpart environment.
In songparts you can dial widgets at will, but as soon as the songpart is changed, the widgets will “jump back” to their values as they are set in the corresponding rackspace variation (it also works if the next songpart points to the same rackspace variaton as the song part before).

This could be achieved in panel view/variations by having not only the option to “also reset on rackspace activation”, which will reset the widget to theset default values, but also have an additional option which will do the same when changing a variation.

That way one could play around with the widgets, but as soon as one changes the variation within the same rackspace, the default settings for the widget would be restored.


Then why not just use song parts?

There are people who prefer not to use them, because of their (more or less) linear concept.