UAD Console crashes

This is not exactly GP related, but anyway I hope that some of you tech nerds may have a constructive suggestion. Yesterday I have spent six hours installing and reinstalling my Universal Audio Software because my UAD Console crashes everytime when I want to start it. I have an iMac M1 with Mac OS Sonoma. I just did an update from UAD Software 11.2 to the newest version 11.3. I thought that would be no big deal, but after that Console wasn’t working anymore. This is no hardware problem. My cable is fine and my apollo x8 audio interface is working fine.
Then I did a couple of uninstalls und reinstalls and went even back to UAD Software 10.2.5
But no luck. Console just isn’t working.
This is the system crash report:
UADSystemProfile.txt (10.3 KB)

And this is the support ticket so far. I have no answer yet from Universal Audio Support. I only had a conversation with a support chat bot: :slight_smile:
:robot: BOT: Hi, I’m the UA Support Bot.
:robot: BOT: You can ask me questions like “How do I register my device?”, “I need help authorizing my plug-ins”, “Check ticket or RMA status”, “Create a support ticket”, and more.
:robot: BOT: How may I help you?

:adult: USER: Console doesn’t open

:robot: BOT: Hi there! It sounds like you’re having trouble opening the Console application. Could you please provide more details about the issue? For example, are you seeing any error messages, or does nothing happen when you try to open it? Additionally, could you let me know which operating system and device model you are using?

:adult: USER: Mac OS Sonoma, apollo x8

:robot: BOT: To open the Console application on your Mac OS Sonoma with Apollo x8, you can try the following methods:
:robot: BOT: - Click the Console application icon in the Dock.

  • Click the UA diamond logo in the Menu Bar (upper right of the screen) and choose Console from the drop menu.
    :robot: BOT: If you still encounter issues, please let me know!

:adult: USER: Still doesn’t work

:robot: BOT: Let’s try a few more troubleshooting steps to get your Console application working on Mac OS Sonoma with your Apollo x8.
:robot: BOT: First, confirm that Console is not a login item in system preferences. You can do a spotlight search for login items to verify.
:robot: BOT: Next, confirm if you right-click on Console in the dock, that it is not set to open at login. Either of these settings can cause Console to crash.
:robot: BOT: Please also check if Console launches when your Apollo is not connected. If you open Activity Monitor, force quit the UA Mixer Engine, and then launch Console, does it then launch?
:robot: BOT: If you are still having issues, you can try the following:
:robot: BOT: - Follow the Mac UAD Uninstall / Reinstall Procedure to carefully remove all files as shown.
:robot: BOT: - Ensure you have downloaded and are installing the latest UAD software.
:robot: BOT: - Check that you have not used CleanMyMacX. More details can be found here:
:robot: BOT:
:robot: BOT: If you still encounter issues, please let me know!

:adult: USER: Console still doesn’t work

:robot: BOT: I’m sorry to hear that the Console application is still not working. Could you please provide more details about what happens when you try to open it? Are there any error messages or specific behaviors you notice? This information will help us better understand the issue and find a solution for you.

:adult: USER: The UAD Control Panel says “Device 1” and “Status OK” for apollo x8 HEXA, but it is not possible to start the Legacy Console and the UAD Console opens, but it doesn’t recognize the apollo it says it is offline and I can not load any session files and then after trying to load something the UAD Console crashes.

:robot: BOT: I’m sorry to hear that you’re still having issues with the Console application. Let’s try a few more steps to troubleshoot the problem.
:robot: BOT: First, ensure that your macOS system security settings are configured correctly to fully enable UAD and Apollo software. You can find detailed instructions here:
:robot: BOT:
:robot: BOT: Next, check if your Thunderbolt cable might be causing the issue. Bad or defective cables can lead to connection problems. Try replacing the cable to see if that resolves the issue.
:robot: BOT: If the problem persists, you might need to perform a complete uninstall and reinstall of the UAD software. Follow the steps outlined here:
:robot: BOT:
:robot: BOT: Please let me know if you need further assistance!

:adult: USER: I checked the cable and I did a complete reinstall.

:robot: BOT: Thank you for providing that information. Since you’ve already checked the cable and performed a complete reinstall, could you please clarify if you are seeing any specific error messages or codes when the UAD Console crashes? Additionally, have you tried connecting your Apollo x8 to a different Thunderbolt port or using a different adapter? This will help us narrow down the issue further.

:adult: USER: No specific error messages and the same problem with other tunderbold ports.

:robot: BOT: It sounds as though you may need further assistance. So that our Customer Care team can assist you best, please provide the following information:

:robot: BOT: Kindly take a moment to compose a clear summary of your issue - providing such detail will enhance the ability of the representative handling your case to assess the issue effectively.
If you are writing in about a specific device, please include the exact model.

:adult: USER: As I said I have an apollo x8, Mac OS Sonoma, the newest UAD Version 11.3 and I am not able to use Console. Here follows the System Report:

:robot: BOT: What category best relates to your issue?

:adult: USER: Selected: I need help with a product

:robot: BOT: Which product are you having an issue with?

:adult: USER: Selected: Console

:robot: BOT: What OS are you on?

:adult: USER: Sonoma

SUMMARY: Console doesn’t open.

Here is the Console Crash Report, Quite a long read :wink:
Console Crash Report.txt (2.4 MB)

When I start Gig Performer now I have an orange microphone symbol blinking all the time.
I don’t know what is going on here:

Off topic: I think you should remove your email address from the bot-conversation (in this topic).

(Although the people at this forum are really nice)

OK, thank you. I removed it. Right now I am trying to get back to an older version of my computer with Time Machine, but I have to reinstall Mac OS Sonoma first than I can get back to the Time Machine Backup. I never did this before. I only know that the whole mess happened Saturday, so I hope that I will be able to get back to a Backup from Friday. Well, in the moment I got the impression that every step I take causes more damage, chaos and confusion. And all I did was this stupid update from UAD Software 11.2 to 11.3 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It happens. We live and we learn. I wish you lots of success with recovering this.

We live and learn. Going back to the time machine backup was a success. I lost some files Idid yesterday, but basically my system is working now again. Puh!!!

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I wanted to try Waterfall a few weeks ago. I had a nightmare with the UAD installer and iLok. Ended up having to go to the CS Bot and going round in circles for about 5mins.
It did get sorted but It was a real struggle.
Then I wanted to try another plugin a few weeks later, and pretty much had the same experience.
Awful system and I won’t touch their stuff anymore (as good as I know it is).

Please report it to UAD