Years ago, I had an arranger keyboard and it had a setting whereby the right hand solo part could be set to follow chord input from the left hand. When a solo was played in the rh, several notes would sound but the notes would always be based on the the chord input.
Does such a VST plug in exist?
This has. plugins that work with GP.
I downloaded and instaled GIGLAD. It works fine as a standalone app, but it cant be used in GigPerformer. At least, GP doesnt find any giglad plugin
Giglad is an application and a plug-in host itself. If you wish to use it with another App, you can use the midi engine of giglad and virtual midi device (such as loopMIDI in Windows or IAC in MAC) in order to send the midi message from Giglad to your App.
Or you use the relayer plugin
Really Giglad is available as a plugin within gig performer?
How would this work? I only have in mind a couple of songs, so the Giglad vst is too expensive for such a limited use.
Not at all: Giglad can be used as a plugin host as indicated in the screenshot and as I said earlier. There is no plugin version.
What you need is probably this plugin:
I see it has a demo. Ill give it a whirl.
And please, give us a feedback.
I have that plugin, it’s really useful for orchestral stuff
I asked this question of the Giglad people today and i am wating for their response:
I was almost going to buy the Complete version this morning and then I checked the Gig Perfomer Community site and found out that Giglad doesn’ty really work with Gig Performer. Can you shed some light on this plz?
I want to be able to send MSB/LSB/PC and Tempo from Gig Performer to Giglad and then send MIDI from Giglad to feed VSTI’s running in GigPerformer. I want to have a setlist in GigPerformer and have it drive Giglad, not Giglad driving Gig Performer. I heard this can be done, but I don’t see how yet. Can I accomplish this?
What is Giglad?
Well, I didn’t really want to have to read documentation just to see what it was! Is it a plugin?
No it is a standalone program which seems to use a special VST to produce sounds.
Giglad is a professional software arranger for PC and MAC. It comes with a high quality GM sound library based in VST3 format (DMXSampler.vst3 offered by Dynamix Audio), native effects (reverb, delay, chorus, EQ, compressor, guitar amp simulator) and styles which will allow you to instantly start playing. Additionally, it allows you to use your own plug-ins (Instruments and Effects) and embeds a midi editor which will help you easily create new styles from scratch or tweak the existing ones (e.g. re-voicing).
This I found in the documentation
When the Midi Engine of Giglad is enabled a few changes take place in the software UI:
- You will only be able to select midi instruments in the melody and style tracks. Virtual instruments, soundfonts and effects will not be supported. If a virtual instrument already exists in a melody track or a style with virtual instruments has been loaded then the corresponding tracks will produce no audio.
That’s why I wanted to drive it from Gig Performer playlists. It is somewhat pricey … about 250Euros for the version that let’s you access VSTI plugins outside of Giglad. Someone on YouTube alluded to a VST plugin that could be used with Giglad to pass in/out information to other VSTIs … but I haven’t found anything here yet They do have compelling videos however.
I am glad you found this detail in their documentation … which tells me it is not really a VST Host.