I’m using GP4 to run audio tracks and vst instruments for a theatre show.
The lighting engineer wants me to send a couple of scene triggers during a song where the lighting scene changes need to sync with the click track that only I can hear.
I’ve managed to set up a scriptlet that send the right string when I click ‘Compile’ - hoorah - but it would be way easier if I could assign this to a widget controlled by my midi keyboard.
Can anyone tell me how to achieve this? I’ve had a look through the documentation, and would definitely be up for learning the whole scripting side of GP, but in the meantime the clock is ticking to opening night, so some help would be much appreciated!
If you’re running audio tracks, why don’t you just put markers on the streaming file player timeline and add an action to each marker to send out an OSC message?
Thanks a million for this, very nearly solved it! (I hadn’t enabled Direct Addressable OSC) in OSC Options)
Only issue now is that GP won’t accept one of the strings I need to send as a valid OSC address as it has a decimal point in it. Does anyone have a workaround?
Hm, allowed address characters in OSC are [a-z][A-Z][0-9] I’m with pianopaul, if 1.5 is your argument to send then the correct buildup would be /eos/cue/fire 1.5 like piano paul outlined
This sounds really useful too, thanks. The only problem is I need to use the Audio File Player because I have 2 layers of Track plus one click track, and I don’t think that uses markers
Putting the cue number in the strings editor worked! Thanks so much tripleB!
So I’m using the osc address:
Then in the strings editor:
Slightly mad that you need more than one cue number in the strings editor (I tried with just one ‘1.5’ a few times and GP unexpectedly quit every time), but there you go! It’s just sending the cue twice nearly instantaneously, which works totally fine.