Are there any recommendations for a small 10" touch screen for live use with GP? Or any to avoid!
I’d recommend something like this WiMaxit screen:
I use the 14" version and it is still rock solid after 2 years of gigging with it.
I use this (see below, 15.6"). It can be connected using usb-c or hdmi. It also has a battery which lasts for about 3.5 hours or so. (But it’s a lot larger than 10")
Take care 10” is really, really small for a touch screen, even if you have small fingers.
This particular model doesn’t seem to be a touchscreen.
I personally also use a 14” WIMAXIT touchscreen M1400CT V2.
Well spotted, I missed that when trying to find a 10" WiMaxit. I use the 14" WiMaxit too… great screen.
I use this one and it works fine: