Touch OSC - transfer the track name of the respective audio file


1 I have a small problem with the OSC control of Touch OSC or T-OSC Mk1: How can I transfer the track name of the respective audio file from the streaming audio file player to Touch OSC via OSC? Is there a script for this or how do I have to program it? The name of the respective audio track should appear on the tablet as in the GP panel.

2 Is it possible to control the Streaming Audio File Player via OSC and a hardware controller at the same time? What do I need to consider in this case?

Translated with (free version)

No script needed.

  1. Put a text label in the rackspace in GP
  2. Map it to the Trackname parameter of the SAFP
  3. Give it a handle - I used Track

4. Ignore the OSC address to its right – that’s just for dealing with underlying numeric values
5. In TouchOSC, create a label widget and give it the name TrackName
(NB - that postfix “Name” at the end is critical)
6. Assuming that you have made the OSC connections between TouchOSC and GP, your TouchOSC view will reflect the label text

Any plugin can be controlled directly from OSC using the /handle/SetParam message to set a value of a parameter

Thanks, it worked with Touch OSC but not with Touch OSC mk1.
Unfortunately only with the “Track Label”, other buttons such as Track Number or Position do not work. Perhaps you could write me another example for these functions?

If I want to work with OSC and hardware controller at the same time, can I program this via a widget button or are 2 buttons necessary? For example, I want to activate the play button from different places.

With “Track Name”, all other parameters on this widget also work. As soon as I try the next widget, nothing works anymore…
Untitled(2).gig (125.3 KB)

Not a surprise — mk1 didn’t have support for this kind of thing

Unfortunately, even with Touch OSC only the button with the “Track Label” works, buttons such as Track Number or Position do not. Perhaps you can insert another example of these functions and I can learn from it?