Total beginner in streaming

Well, yes and no, i dont I discard any option, i asume that, besides the amp broadcasting the processed sound coming from GP, This sound can be taken via blue cat and the 3.5mm jack of the laptop. And yes, i am taking a look now to the ATEM device, thank you for bringing it up. Maybe a little overkill foru test but is good to know these solutions!

Thank you again for your help

Don’t get trapped by the “too complicated” objection especially if you don’t have a background in television production. This thing packs a wallop of functionality for about what you’d pay for a Streamdeck. You also don’t HAVE to connect all 4 HDMI inputs and 1 HDMI output, but they are always there.

Even 15 years ago what this device gives you for the price would have cost the better part of $1M to get working. You can be live with this thing literally minutes after opening the box.

I’ve found it to convey streaming superpowers in general and very particularly integrates with Gig Performer. But whenever I tell people about it they say “too complicated” or “overkill” - suspect that advance assessment lol.

Edit: I should point out that it has a pair of 3.5mm TRS audio inputs as well that you can configure as mono or stereo (with a full Fairlight EQ/Compressor/Limiter per channel into a master bus with another EQ/Compressor/Limiter and physical controls on the top, selectable -48V phantom power with proper adapter… which Gig Performer can also control via OSC!). Like I said; a wallop of functionality…

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