Studiomux and Gig Performer

Anybody tested Studiomux with Gig Performer?

I just discovered the app after your question. The scope of the app is not completely clear to me and the last version is two years old :grimacing:

Did you already try it?

There is a new beta, available for regular users.
When the server is installed a VST or AU plugin should be available to be loaded in Gig Performer.
Then it should be possible to play with software installed on iPad and the audio generated by the iPad comes out of that VST/AU

Not bad!

I tried the new beta but couldn’t get it to work right. I think maybe I did something wrong. I use the older one in order to let my iPad (using MIDI Designer Pro 2) talk to my PC. A month or two ago I suddenly couldn’t load Studiomux any more. It turned out it would not work with the latest update of iTunes. I had to go back to a previous version of iTunes in order to get it working again. Maybe soon I’ll try the new beta again. Hopefully it will be simpler to use.