Hello GP friends, I was happy to download the latest version of Gig Performer, and I’m giving the Streaming Audio Player a try for the first time and ran across a couple of issues.
I cannot get the position to track the player playhead position. Here’s a couple of screenshots:
I’m trying the “mark” feature with an action to jump to the next song part. When the track arrives a the mark, it jumps to the next song part; however, the track immediately stops.
Did you put the Streaming Audio Player in the Global Rackspace? If not, then if that song part change switches rackspaces, the Streaming Audio Player will no longer be in the active rackspace and will of course stop.
Hi @edm11, thanks for the quick reply. The player is not in the global, but it is in its own local rackspace. The change in the song part is within the same rackspace.
You’ll need to also set up and activate a widget mapped to the Notify Playhead Position parameter (#10 in the list) . Then the position will track in your text label widget.
I have just started evaluating GP, and have a small ‘test’ setlist, with a few Songs, with Songparts selecting different rackspaces, and some songs will use backing tracks.
I put the Audio streaming app in Global Rackspace, then loaded a test song wav file, then created some Markers, with marker ‘action’ to select SONG, and SONG PART, and it all seems to be working, but does this mean I have to put ALL the backing track files in Global instance of rhe Audio Streaming plugin, and then how do I avoid picking the song once in setlist mode, and then again in Global to select the correct backing track? I already have OnSong on an iPad sending a PC message to GP setlist to call up a SONG(song part intro as example).
I have not started creating any custom panels yet, until I am clear on best wiring model, and what needs to be in Global, and how to link Song files in setlist mode to backing tracks sitting in Audio Streaming file playlist.
So I have the Streaming Audio Player in my Global rackspace, and I loaded two audio wav files in the Audio Player. One song, the second song is called
Drift Away
Inside setlist, I clicked on song file called Drift Away, and then edited the Song part properties for Intro to Drift Away, and added a midi action to GP Local port, Pitch Bend, MSB 0 LSB 0 PC 1, but when I test “send” nothing happens, but how do I know what the parameters are for the Sond wav files in the Audio Streaming Player? I know I am suppose to send a Pitch bend midi message, but let’s assume I have 100 files in the audio streaming platform and want to select wav file #10, from the top of the list, by linking that song to its song title in setlist, and song part sending a Pitch bend message on GP Local ? What MSB, LSB, cc or pc do I enter?
What do you expect to happen? If you expect GP to react the way it does when a PC message comes in at a physical midi port then I guess it’s not going to work, as GP processes these messages before they enter the midi port plugins. You would have to use a virtual midi cable looping back these messages to GP to accomplish that.
(Some guessing is going on here from my side as I cannot verify this at this moment)
If you’re referring to the post that II linked, sending pitch bend to the Local GP Port was only necessary if you have more than 128 files in your Streaming Audio File Player. Because a standard CC message only has 128 values.
I have over 750 backing tracks in Stage Traxx 3, running on an iPad (also with OnSong ).
I can’t risk backing tracks not working, and I think I will pass on using the Audio Streaming plugin until I see more accurate documented instructions on how specifically to setup with Setlist mode, song parts etc linking to the Audio player or do I just forget about setlist mode for songs that need backing tracks and just have a single rack space per song, and then use market actions to pick different rackspaces.
Also do I then need to have Streaming Audio player in Every song rack space, with a single backing track? If I can’t get it working in the Global Rackspace?
Here is a CSV file with the required Pitch Wheel LSB and MSB values you will need to select specific tracks in the SAFP (up to the maximum 1000 tracks).
Use the same instructions I had on that post I linked to above, but use Pitch Wheel in both the Song Part Properties and the global rackspace knob widget MIDI mapping.
The SAFP and widget should definitely be in the global rackspace for this to work.