Stream Deck controller

Hi. I want to use a Stream Deck controller to replace my Begringer x-touch mini.
Without using additional applications like OSC and Bitfocus’ Companion, I just want simple midi control changes, but cannot get either to see each other. Anyone else done this successfully?

@Stoffel seems to be quite happy of the Stream Deck controller.

According to “RTFM” I’d like to recommend to “UTFS” (Use The F…riendly Search). :wink:
This should give you quite a few useful answers.


Thank you for the offer of help. I can programme the Stream Deck buttons OK, but all I see in the midi port is either QLAB (what I use for my shows) but not what’s needed here, or StreamDeck2DAW that says ‘not connected’. I’ve created a profile with Gig Performer as the app, but it still doesn’t;t show up anywhere else.

Did you try this: StreamDeck Midi plugin

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StreamDeck assumes that the target application exposes MIDI ports. GP currently does not have that feature. On the Mac you just use IAC ports and on windows you can install (free) a virtual MIDI driver which does the same thing for Windows. The StreamDeck will then be able to communicate with GP via that virtual port.

yes, see here: loopMIDI | Tobias Erichsen (

Don’t know how the midi routing has to be done on Windows, but on Mac after installation Stream Deck is shown as a new midi in port in GP. No other things required.

On Windows you need LoopMIDI (or similar app).

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Apologies for my lack of knowledge in this area. I am using a Mac. I have opened the Apple ‘Audio MIDI setup’ window, and created a new external midi device. Is this the same as a virtual port?
Should something appear in Stream Deck software in the midi port windows as I still have nothing?

Where should it appear in GP? all I have in ‘wiring’ is MIDI in (OSC) and MIDI in (OMNI). Thank you for your patience

SUCCESS! Thank you. Simply had to tick ‘device is online’ in the IAC driver properties window.

Two way comms and super clear buttons.

Thank you all

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