Strange behavior with TC 2290 plugin

I’m running ToneX into a Valhalla Delay, then to the 2290, then to a big sky reverb. These are all in line (not in parallel), when using the Valhalla and bypassing the 2290 i hear reverb on the delay repeats, but when bypassing the valhalla and using the 2290 the repeats are dry, how is that possible?

How looks your wiring?
Are you using widgets to bypass plugins?

No, i’m not sure what you mean by using widgets to bypass, i just right clicked and selected bypass on the plugin (is that incorrect)?


Oh, i didnt un-bypass the 2290 with the screenshot, but obviously that isnt bypassed when getting the issue i mentioned

Can you upload the rackspace and please only with the 3 plugins you are talking about.

If BigSky is always active then it shouldn’t be possible. Something else is going on/wrong. Do you have another reverb plugin you can try to confirm if it’s something particular with BigSky?

Well now it’s even weirder. It only happens with the 2290 into the Big Sky plugin.

Valhalla Delay → Big Sky (repeats have reverb)
2290 → Big Sky (repeats have no reverb)
2290 → Valhalla Vintage Verb (repeats have reverb)

GP4 dly verb only.gig (1.5 MB)

Looks like i just got upload permissions :). I still added the extra verb that works with the 2290 and the extra delay that works with the big sky, its the 2290 and the big sky that dont seem to work together.